Daftest statement of - the week, the year, ever?

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7 Jul 2010
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Like it or not, the term "racism" has been around long enough for people to know that it does not necessarily mean prejudice/dislike/fear/hatred of another "race".

I suppose therefore, arachnophobia does not necessarily mean dislike/fear/hatred of spiders.
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So, are you allowed to hate anything these days ? Surely you can hate a race of people without being prejudiced against them, as long as you treat them no different to anyone else, hate is a feeling, you can no more be criminalised for hate as you can love, or are the thought police out to get us ?
Surely you can hate a race of people without being prejudiced against them, as long as you treat them no different to anyone else,
Well, I would think hating a whole race of people is the ultimate indisputable definition of racism - whether you do anything about it or not.

That you can manage to feel like that and not be prejudiced is surely debatable.
I suppose if you never meet anyone of that race it might be possible.

hate is a feeling, you can no more be criminalised for hate as you can love, or are the thought police out to get us ?
These days they probably are, but even if not that doesn't stop you being racist, does it?

Being racist isn't a crime. The crime is racial discrimination when you do do something.

It's getting confusing these days because of the unofficial thought police - like my recent thread about the Chief Constable who had made misogyny a hate crime. Whether that's what she (it was a woman) actually said or it was poor reporting, obviously they can't prosecute anyone solely for hating women if they don't do anything about it - but if they do then it's a crime anyway.
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You can hate anyone you like. What makes you think you can't?

If you were to consider the context of what we're saying, no you can't hate anyone vocally you like on a public platform without repercussions.
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