When considering in or out:

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You mean the 48%? The Remainers who prefer favouritism for majority-white Europeans, with their inward-looking Eurocentrism? It's lucky the egalitarian, globalist Leavers won.

That is a very valid view that I'd never considered. What is wrong with these Eurofanatics. Little Eurolanders ignoring the big wide world around them. Bunch of racists :whistle:
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I'm sorry.

I just find it hard not to be consumed with sadness about the tragedy that will be inflicted on my country, and hatred for the ******* and racists who were responsible for it.

Has it not occurred to you that "your country" will only exist as a quaint and historical notion, if it remains in the eu?
It's nice to see the race card played so openly. Fair play.
You really are a dim witted poisonous little cun t, aren't you. Someone took the time to explain racism to you, but you are so up your ar5e, ranting & raving & barking at the moon that you didn't understand.
I understood, and my view is that the "what actually is a race?" question is irrelevant, (and often used by racists to muddy the waters), "xenophobe" is about fear and mistrust, not hatred. Misoxenist? A tad obscure.

Racist will do just fine.

If you think it is OK for Paul the plumber from Penzance to move to Peterborough, but it's not OK for Georgy the gardener from Gdansk to move to Goldaming then you are discriminating against the latter purely because of his nationality.

Racist will do just fine.
generally happens

eventually the race card gets played noseall , johnd , bungalow bill aka him again, banallsheds

u can bet your mortgage on it :LOL:
Has it not occurred to you that "your country" will only exist as a quaint and historical notion, if it remains in the eu?
I am a Londoner.
I am an Englishman.
I am a UK Citizen.
I am an EU citizen.
I am an inhabitant of the world.

I do not see any need to create artificial distinctions between them, or to treat it all as a kind of zero-sum game in which if I want to gain EU citizenship I have to lose something else to make up for it.

Only racists and ******* hold to that view. Which are you?
generally happens

eventually the race card gets played noseall , johnd , bungalow bill aka him again, banallsheds

u can bet your mortgage on it :LOL:
If people didn't come here espousing racist views then it wouldn't even get mentioned, would it?
generally happens

eventually the race card gets played noseall , johnd , bungalow bill aka him again, banallsheds

u can bet your mortgage on it :LOL:
Funny that, eh. Do you ever wonder why.
Show me where I have "played the race card". He won't.
Funny that, eh. Do you ever wonder why.
Show me where I have "played the race card". He won't.

yes u have noseall stop telling porkies and playing the victim card :LOL:

u have also discriminated against people in here ;)
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