words, words, words!

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i confess to finding the pronunciation of Draclea (Dracula) rather funny.

and ambliance (ambulance).:cool:

i also find the addition of non-existent syllables mildly irritating to.

phowen as opposed to phone.

fillum instead of film.

crayon instead of crane.
you dont pronounce it fillum? I never knew :eek:

when kev first said the phrase...
hoy the ammer ower ere hinny...it took me a full ten minutes to dissect it so that it made sense....i still cant say it right :LOL:
i actually like the Geordie accent, but there is nowt quite like it for upsetting the Queens English.
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yeah? well try putting that into perspective when people over here--and im referring to american southerners who have a particular idea of what english people should sound like...introduce them to kev for the first time...the expression on their faces...priceless...when kev and i first spoke to each other on skype, he told me i wouldnt understand a word he said...i of course didnt believe him--i mean afterall, it is english...but wow....I really didnt and the first time he laughed ( i took it as an insult) and hung up on him...but its been a hoot for the most part...what a difference :LOL:
cos me julee nows how to speak in da english language , like me aaaieet:cool: weva or not you speak correctly like moi or just like tony blay it,s the words dat make da difference, buyakasha.
oh an da queen likes me movie, so derr ;)
....believe it or not, it is very annoying when a word is mispronounced regardless of geography....try the word tire over here...or water and no doubt you will hear about 20 some odd pronunciations....rant over :LOL:

It is poor grammar that gets me all hot and bothered: lack of capitals at start of sentences, that sort of thing.
....believe it or not, it is very annoying when a word is mispronounced regardless of geography....try the word tire over here...or water and no doubt you will hear about 20 some odd pronunciations....rant over :LOL:

It is poor grammar that gets me all hot and bothered: lack of capitals at start of sentences, that sort of thing.

well...its lack of tolerance that gets me annoyed. I know proper grammar....even for a "yank"...and if people spent more time listening TO people than how they express themselves, then maybe we could break down a few barriers that have built up over time and keep us from enjoying what everyone of us possess...our own unique-ness...that can not be duplicated (hence the unique part) and makes us who we are. constructive criticsm...that doesnt look right...is one thing...but obsessing about it really is unhealthy...if it gets on yer nerves real bad...try humor or humour...that should send you right over the edge :eek: :D ;)
uzz instead of us :evil: seems to be cropping up in more places.

The need to insert "absolutely!" in every available sentence

Adding an inflection at the end of sentences
oh dear....you'd end up with eye surgery if you hung around these parts for just a little while.(eye rolling) It is a windshield on the car...or automobile...whatever!! I type like I talk ....but I am aware of how to spell correctly...and apparently people in the US dont speak english...we speak american...although we were always told it was english...so I guess we just grate on your nerves in general by butchering your language that you hold so dear. I had no idea that although most of the "things" over there are the same here, they have different words/terms for them. case in point aluminium...i always thought it was spelled (started to type spelt, but held back) wrong on ya'lls side but it really is spelled differently. and I can bet ya'll is really gettin on yer last noive ....believe it or not, it is very annoying when a word is mispronounced regardless of geography....try the word tire over here...or water and no doubt you will hear about 20 some odd pronunciations....rant over :LOL:
You septics are the biggest murderers of the mother tongue of the lot; plus you just grate on us in general :LOL: . Someone pled guilty?! Orient something, that's a region, not an action! Dove into the water?! Wor-cest-er-shire sauce???! Aluminum????! If you type as you speak, how do you enunciate the ellipses [...] that are scattered throughout?
Norfolk people also murder the lingo, must be something to having had an excess of Yanks over here during WWII.

He say...
Look what I done...
He done that...
Er yuh faar go' uh dickuh boi? Arr, un ee wan' uh fewl tew roide ut, will yew curm?

Ffs :LOL:
oooh..touched a nerve, have i?.........i love doing that.......

you sound just like someone else i know. I become "you lot" for every miserable irritating thing an american does or says...hey we got nutters here too. and it wasnt my idea to call it english...to be fair i think you lot should talk shakespearean and we can have what we call english...

i think someone did it just to wind us up and make for handy arguments about language.

i still like the way you all talk....even if i cant understand what yer talkin about most of the time :)
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