Hillsborough Memorial Service

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Watched this today. I have great admiration for the families and their struggle to come to terms with what happened and fight for justice. I think back to the Hillsborough tragedy & wonder how it could have happened: I mean 20 years is not that long ago, is it?

How could the Police have got it so wrong? And why did a certain newspaper (used lightly) editor feel the need to peddle downright lies about the goings-on that day?

With all that in mind, I thought it was inappropriate for a minority of the watching crowd to interrupt Andy Burnham.

I also thought it inappropriate, given the religious nature of the service, for Trevor Hicks to use the word "hell". He wasn't referring to his life post- Hillsborough, it was a word used flippantly.

I fully appreciate the depth of feeling here, but I just think this was not an appropriate time to bash the SY Police and The Sun, during a service to remember the dead and their families.
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As much as the police where to blame for what happened re ambulances and not opening the gates to let people onto the pitch etc etc
There is one group who have never accepted there part in it namely the section of the crowd who kept on pushing and pushing .
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As we can all appreciate peoples emotions run high on occasions like this.
The Taylor report exuded any blame from fans that day, so obviously people want to know - Who was to blame ? (This is a rhetorical question within this post and not to be attempted by this forum)
I thought it had to do with people without tickets pushing in and killing those at the front. I seem to remember the same type of people killing others at a match abroad in similar circumstances, will a memorial service be held for them soon?
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Jesus, don't the scousers organise a memorial service every year for this? :rolleyes:
REgular as clockwork Woods - you can almost set your sundial by it
hi1";p="1197423 said:
I thought it had to do with people without tickets pushing in and killing those at the front.

So for 20 years you've thought wrong. Bit embarrassing that.
Bet you believe all you read in The Sun.
what did happen then, i thought the main gates were opened and more people came in, still a terrible terrible thing and i dont see a prob with an annual memorial, peoples lives were devastated on that day
whether it was ticketless or people with tickets it was still the crowd that caused it. No one was behind them with a big whip forcing them to push and shove there way in.
Sorry Liverpool but you are not the only ones who have suffered soccer stadia disasters in Britain:



The wall-to-wall media coverage today has become a bit overpowering and is not necessary. A short news item would have done, instead of all the interviews with teams, managers, and victims relations. Not Liverpools fault, I accept but I ended up turning the telly off at 6pm because the local Granada channel spent all 30 minutes on it.
And nobody mention the how do you get 96 scousers in a phone box joke ;)
Terrible tragedy..I cant help thinking though that if it had been some two bob league side the media wouldnt have been interested by now...Bradford certainly doesnt get the same coverage and at the end of the day the fans killed there were also peoples husbands, wifes, parents, and kids etc...

But still a tragedy.

Who was to blame?..well anygroup of supporters would have probably done the same thing, they didnt just keep pushing thinking stuff the people down the front..they traveled to a game, and wanted to get in.

Its not the first time the police have opended the gates..its gets people off the streets and all in one place where they can be managed.

They did the same at the Millwall and Luton game in 85..people spilled unto the pitch becuse they were being crushed..the media loved it, the cameras turned away from the game, the following day in the papers it was a 'pitch invasion' :eek:

The officers in charge were allowed to walk away scot free..ok they have their consciences to deal with for the rest of their lives..I odnt think they ever thought to themselves' lets let em in and if the get crushed to death then its there fault'

But they should have been made accountable..thats all the victims families wanted

whether it was ticketless or people with tickets it was still the crowd that caused it. No one was behind them with a big whip forcing them to push and shove there way in.

You should read a bit more and get your facts correct before spouting any rubbish like that
Sh*t happens. Which is not to decry it. For sure, for the families left behind, it's tragic.

But, why is it that there must always be someone to blame? Sometimes it's serendipity and nothing more. They went to a match and, through an adverse combination of circumstances, 96 never came back. They could just as easily have been killed travelling to or from the match.

I'm sure that there was no deliberate intention on the part of any plod to cause death and general mayhem; any more than there was on the part of those crowding in at the back to cause the crush at the front against the fence.
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