Women and children first

Guys, I think that I have the solution.... Remove all Lifeboats, inflatables and life vests and everyone karks it...No discrimination at all there. :mrgreen:
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been on a plane crash not a bad one just the wing smashed into the runway then landed sideways, did not think about anyone else just went to the exit before the plane stoped, just me and the hostess. not sure about here but if thing had turned bad i was out of there.
I think this thread is more about age than gender.
For example...
Doddery old man... v's ...fit, stunning, 19 year old bird ???

I know who sooey would save :LOL:
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Oh ffs No one's arguing against children going first. That leaves women taking precedence over men purely on the basis of their sex. That is not right in my eyes when a young healthy man with his whole life ahead would be expected to give way to some old biddy who may well have a heart attack a week later.

Supposing the 'old biddy' was your mum and the 'young healthy man' was the son of someone who you did not get on with because of an incident between you two in your younger years.

Would you still have the same view?
It's all a bit irrelevant - because "women and children first" is NOT the way passenger ship evacuations are done. Hasn't been for years and years. Wasn't, even in the days of the Titanic (that one was more a case of 1st & 2nd class passengers get boats, 3rd & 4ths were lucky to get a lifejacket between 2).

No-one is daft enough to suggest women and children first when evacuating a burning aircraft, because any idiot can see that would just slow things down. The FASTEST way to get EVERYONE off either a ship or a plane is to shove them on the boats or out the doors in the order they get there.

Standing around sorting people out, splitting up families, and arguing about whether a kid is 15 and gets a place or 16 and doesn't, just wastes time and results in MORE casualties at the end of the day.
....or the 19 year old 'fit bird' was just an empty headed numpty with no morals ..... and the old guy was someone with a 'personaility' and a rich understanding and experience of life.
It's all a bit irrelevant - because "women and children first" is NOT the way passenger ship evacuations are done. Hasn't been for years and years. Wasn't, even in the days of the Titanic (that one was more a case of 1st & 2nd class passengers get boats, 3rd & 4ths were lucky to get a lifejacket between 2).

No-one is daft enough to suggest women and children first when evacuating a burning aircraft, because any idiot can see that would just slow things down. The FASTEST way to get EVERYONE off either a ship or a plane is to shove them on the boats or out the doors in the order they get there.

Standing around sorting people out, splitting up families, and arguing about whether a kid is 15 and gets a place or 16 and doesn't, just wastes time and results in MORE casualties at the end of the day.

Ahhhh shurrup. :LOL:
Oh ffs No one's arguing against children going first. That leaves women taking precedence over men purely on the basis of their sex. That is not right in my eyes when a young healthy man with his whole life ahead would be expected to give way to some old biddy who may well have a heart attack a week later.

Supposing the 'old biddy' was your mum and the 'young healthy man' was the son of someone who you did not get on with because of an incident between you two in your younger years.

Would you still have the same view?

What about a reply to this instead of thinking about bimbo's?
The FASTEST way to get EVERYONE off either a ship or a plane is to shove them on the boats or out the doors in the order they get there.

But if it takes 12 hours for the ship to sink?

Do you just shove everyone and anyone on as they come along where by the boats are filled with men and the women and children are left on the decks?
Be a lot of shoving me thinks and the strongest usually prevail.
You need order in that situation with the help of armed men not afraid to shoot anyone. First bullet between the eyes would restore order I think.
If you insist. Of course I would want my mum saved in that situation....in ANY situation, but that's not the point. I could just as easily ask.......What if the young healthy man was your son and the old biddy was a bitch who you happened to hate for some reason? The point I am making is those scenarios are both irrelevant when we are talking about a general situation. According to inky pete this is an irrelevant discussion anyway, that's as maybe but it is a generally percieved view that women and children go first. I think it's valid to challenge that perception and ask why.
I think sooey's right in principle.


Why should an Olympic swimmer (female) get precedence over a man of the same age who can't swim at all.

The woman would have far more chance of survival than the man, hence the man should go in the lifeboat.
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