I'm an IDIOT!

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
last weekend laid some 6mm ply in the kitchen of a flat i've bought to rent out. screws weren't taking themselves below the surface so had to countersink. all i had to hand was my trusty (old) countersink so used that. even with electric drill i was having to put my bodyweight into it for each and every of the 150 or so countersinks i had to make :( this thing is blunter than something that's very VERY blunt!

back at flat today and came across almost new countersink in my toolbox :evil: had to do another few countersinks and needless to say it cut through the ply like it was butter!!

moral of story ... remember what tools you have :oops:
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I strikes me tools go away for a holiday, so often I have been stuck for something like the fibre optic extension that fits on the Maglite, a pencil, or my bent nose pliers, rummage as I will it just ain't there!
A week or so later it turns up bold as brass in the toolbox! :D
i was staring at a section of floor today, couldn't have been more than 50cm x 50cm, had a few tools lying on it, was looking for a stub screwdriver that i KNEW was there ... only question was where??? sometimes you can't see something for looking at it, i looked away, walked around the room, went back and saw it straight away!!

mind you, i 'am' guilty of not being the neatest worker when it comes to leaving tools here and there when i'm working in a property :rolleyes:
ever done this with a pencil that ends up behind your ear????
no i havnt either. :eek:
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I have a tendency to " put things in a safe place", only to forget where that safe place is.
Hence, I have four or five tape measures in the top tray of my toolbox: lose one, buy one, lose that, buy another, three turn up.......
ever done this with a pencil that ends up behind your ear????
no i havnt either. :eek:

For me its hunting high and low for the glasses on the top of me head... no I haven't done that either.
I'd had enough of misplacing tools and decided to painstakingly put every tool back in or next to the toolbox after using it. if not, then i keep the tools in little groups. nothing goes on a windowsill or table on its own. seems to take longer but saves time in the long run no raking for stuff!
Here's a tip - for a blunt or holidaying countersink, just use a large bit in the drill, but delicately!

And here's another tip . . . my toolbox!

Now, wtf did I put that damn . . . .
As I read through the inital post of this thread I was expecting you to say that you ended up making a massive hole with the sharp countersink because you were used to using a blunt one.
As I read through the inital post of this thread I was expecting you to say that you ended up making a massive hole with the sharp countersink because you were used to using a blunt one.

:LOL: not quite ... although 2 or 3 of the additional screws are slightly below the surface as oppose being level with it.
And, as if by magic,

I cannot for the life of me find my box of hex keys :evil:

I've turned the garage, house, and car upside down.

They're probably in my sock drawer, or some similarly "safe" place........
I have millions of tools/fixings and I know where all of them are.

They're in the garage!

The garage is three joined into one and its full of really useful stuff, useful stuff gets thrown out and only really useful stuff kept. And I know roughly where most stuff is, except when I want it.

Sometimes I go through it all several times because I know I have one of what I want in there somewhere. I can never find it though. Not until I've bought one and I'm looking for the next thing I want, then I find it, right where I thought it would be, except I didn't find it there the first time around. Which leads to the much had argument starter, " Hon, have you been in the garage?"
The worst thing is every time you go in the workshop there is something sitting on a shelf that really does not belong there, so one day in a fit of tidiness you put it away. Then weeks later you go to look for it............. :evil:

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