What Is The Most Beautiful Thing In The World ?

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"Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. People with malaria often experience fever, chills, and flu-like illness. Left untreated, they may develop severe complications and die. In 2015 an estimated 214 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide and 438,000 people died, mostly children in the African Region."

No, I did not suggest parents created this INSECT (not a disease) That insect has a purpose on this planet, but if you placed a child in its vicinity, it is you who is to be blamed, would you allow your child to escape your clutches and allow him to fall into a zoo where man has caged a Gorilla? Man is the most Stupid animal ever to have born sadly on this planet.

On the other hand, why was there not a safety net?
"Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. People with malaria often experience fever, chills, and flu-like illness. Left untreated, they may develop severe complications and die. In 2015 an estimated 214 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide and 438,000 people died, mostly children in the African Region."

They needn't have died if western advanced civilisations cared for poor African countries where they cannot afford cost of medicine manufactured in western labs.

The west explored Africa for its minerals and raw materials for its own interest, diseases were not on top of their agenda unless the disease was life threatening to the West like recently the Ebola Virus, when we dispatched our medical teams, because it presented threat to lives in the West.
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They neededn't have died if western advanced civilisations cared for poor African countries where they cannot afford cost of medicine manufactured in western labs.

Nor if a god hadn't decided to create a disease that kills millions.

What a pity western medicine was not available thirty thousand years ago, or more. The disease certainly was. Next time I murder someone, I'll blame the NHS for not saving my victim. They're guilty, not me. Right, Mike?
man will always try to blame God, when in fact its us that courses the problems,

the first thing adam did was blame God for creating eve, becuase he sinned after he listened to her,when he full well knew that its was dangerouse.
I only pity for fools. ( not saying you are one by the way)

( and not to say that I don't feel others pain, I do more than I feel my own pain)
Creation is the most beautiful thing, though it is full of pleasures and hardships and sadness and happiness all in one bundle.

I love cats, but i can't stand them ripping other creatures to shreds, I see wild life programmes and I see nature at work, it really is very sad to see how one animal becomes food for another. and same goes for humans too, I can't stand one man killing another, a child or baby suffering, I do not take pleasure out of it, sadly there is only so much I can do to stop all suffering, I always jump into action if I see I can stop something nasty happening, that is human instinct we all have.
desease is not created, evil is not a created,it is a consequence of sin.
This is what I have a problem with. So what sin would a little baby have done in Africa, life barely started, to deserve dying of malaria?
With the greatest respect, you have done nothing to help get your point across, just keep going on the same lines of sins, you actually sound brainwashed as there's been no logical thought. Shame actually.
That insect has a purpose on this planet, but if you placed a child in its vicinity, it is you who is to be blamed,
Again, I have a problem with this. A mosquito's purpose is to suck blood (most of them do anyway) and carry disease (many more than malaria) across much of this world. They actively seek to eat, so does that mean that people or animals shouldn't be around most of this planet (and living somewhere like Iceland only) in order not to be the one who is blamed by religious people/god when they are bitten?
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Creation is the most beautiful thing, though it is full of pleasures and hardships and sadness and happiness all in one bundle.

I love cats, but i can't stand them ripping other creatures to shreds, I see wild life programmes and I see nature at work, it really is very sad to see how one animal becomes food for another. and same goes for humans too, I can't stand one man killing another, a child or baby suffering, I do not take pleasure out of it, sadly there is only so much I can do to stop all suffering, I always jump into action if I see I can stop something nasty happening, that is human instinct we all have.
Do you eat meat, or buy brands such as domestos and timote shampoo? Because cruelty and death is everywhere, mostly at the hand of man.
You gotta ask why god invented this whole circle of life where we have to eat each other to live. Pretty cruel plan to me, survival of the fittest and all that and then because that attitude is in place in order to live then we sin?
man will always try to blame God, when in fact its us that courses the problems,

the first thing adam did was blame God for creating eve, becuase he sinned after he listened to her,when he full well knew that its was dangerouse.
God should have given him a condom! (only joking forgive me I am blasphemous occasionally)
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