Is phobia about terrorism irrational or rational?

So, himmy seems to think that the muslim terror threat is overdone because ONLY 175 people have died. What he has conveniently ignored is the fact that due to British and European/US security, the body count caused by our warring 'guests' is a lot lower than it could have been. The security services are working flat out to stop these lovely people from killing their unfortunate hosts. It's only due to sheer hard work and occasional luck that the figure of 175 isn't multiplied. And the foiled plots and successful ones are growing in number all the time.

How many other children have been prevented from being ground into the tarmac by our koran waving 'friends'? How many other elderly priests have been prevented from having their throats slit at the altar in front of their petrified congegration by the diligence of MI5, etc. etc?

The real story lies in including the numbers that COULD have been killed. The threat rises all the time, but idiots like himmy, etc want us to stick our fingers in our ears and look the other way, because he thinks we're as stupid as him. Because of people like him, life in Europe will never be the same. It's changed for the worse, unless we get a grip - ASAP.

The real story is in articles like this -
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So, himmy seems to think that the muslim terror threat is overdone
I haven't differentiated between any groups of terrorists.
You want to turn the discussion into another islamophobic thread.
Just like DIM and his insincere promise.
Turn all threads into islamophobic threads!

The discussion is about the low number of deaths from terrorism compared to the much larger number of deaths though other causes.

You're just exploiting an innocent thread and turning it into another thread about your obsessive racist agenda.
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
Who mentioned islamophobia?
Ahh, you did! :rolleyes:
Sorry, will put the next line of your statement up which you wrote to me after a terrorist attack..
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
For sure, you didn't mention Islam, but your motives and prejudices were abundantly clear.
You'll never learn Himmy.
Really weird that innit, because you followed your first linked comment with this one, where you think it was bizarre that the officials didn't think the incident was terror related:
Bizarrely this just came up on the BBC website..
This comment makes it abundantly clear that you assumed, that the first report was about a terrorist incident. You appear perplexed that it wasn't a terrorist incident after all.
My comment followed your second post, and linked to your first post.
Look back at the thread and all will become clear.
No, you won't do that because you don't like my suggestions. Especially when they prove your racist intent by defending racists.
Perhaps then you were even stooping to emulate spuey by trying to incite racial hatred, and trying to represent a non-terrorist related incident as a terrorist related incident.
Weird innit? I made no mention of MUSLIM terrorists, as can be seen on my first post:
Is it me or is it feeling like a day doesn't go by without hearing about more murders? It's becoming a very sad world :(
And my second post, which was in response of hearing about some murders in the post above mine in Baghdad was this:
I've heard is 6 people dead so far, many injured and that they are on the run. Sorry to hear about Baghdad too, it really does seem like it's every day, so many innocent people.
So, again you're making it up as you go along Himmy and seeing stuff that isn't there.
I assumed nothing, I wrote nothing about Muslim terrorists, I merely put a link up on a story as it was happening to express my sadness of this world. It seemed like there was just too many stories like that in quick succession and it was, quite rightly, getting me down.
Again, you're proven yourself too quick to be judge, jury and executioner.
Anyone got a digger for blightymam to borrow?
So that's you sidestepping again like a coward, but at least you've stopped the silly guesswork at last.
I don't need a digger, I need a bulldozer to cut through the amount of crap make up about my posts.
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I don't need a digger, I need a bulldozer to cut through the amount of crap I make up about my posts.
You missed out the 'I'. I've put it in for you.
There you go, making up what I've said again. Only sad, childish and pathetic losers change people's posts in order to try and point score.
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I have seen parts of that video in other videos, but I hadn’t seen where that couple were attacked.

Fortunately, they picked on someone that could fight back that time.

Some on here think I am being alarmist or worse, but I am genuinely concerned for the future of this once great country.
The guy in the red jacket could handle himself. He dropped at least 5 blacks. And a lot bigger than him.
The worst bit for me is the mum and two kids ......the mum warns that woman about the pickpocket and then he hits her and spits on her, pathetic piece of 5h1t
The guy in the red jacket could handle himself. He dropped at least 5 blacks. And a lot bigger than him.
Just watched that bit boy could he handle himself, some great ducks from that guy and he could obviously hit hard. Not how they attacked him in twos, scum.
Ignoring people isn't some badge of honour or medal. There aren't points or prizes for ignorance-by-login.


Its no badge of honour true and there's no points or prizes true, but it's not worth wasting time on here with some of the of the posters or reading what they say and that's true too.
Ignoring people isn't some badge of honour or medal. There aren't points or prizes for ignorance-by-login.


Its no badge of honour true and there's no points or prizes true, but it's not worth wasting time on here with some of the of the posters or reading what they say and that's true too.
Its no badge of honour true and there's no points or prizes true, but it's not worth wasting time on here saying you are ignoring someone, when you clearly are not, and that's true too.

To ignore someone is not some kind of punishment, as if you have the inalienable right to declare that some posters comments are not worth reading.
To ignore someone, means that you, and only you, wish to not read someone's comments any more, for your own specific reason. But you do deny yourself the ability to see threads started by them also. The poster that you are ignoring might only make one comment, but the thread could advance into serious and intellectual discussion. By ignoring the one poster that started the thread, you are denying yourself the ability to see or follow the whole thread!
Right, all good stuff. What do you hope to achieve by publicising who is on your ignore list?

I don't need a digger, I need a bulldozer to cut through the amount of crap I make up about my posts.
You missed out the 'I'. I've put it in for you.
There you go, making up what I've said again. Only sad, childish and pathetic losers change people's posts in order to try and point score.
If I say, "it was only a joke", would that excuse it?
You don't do jokes. However, you do seem to enjoy many a fleeting moment of false superiority.
Don't change people's posts, childish man.
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