Is phobia about terrorism irrational or rational?

29 Dec 2015
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United Kingdom
Apologies to John. It's another terrorism related thread.
Who would have seen that coming? ;)


Shouldn't there be a word to describe a phobia of irrational fear of accidents, or murder, or vehicle accidents?
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I think people fear what terrorism stands for and the coercive oppression that comes with it more so than they might be literally killed by it.
Apologies to John. It's another terrorism related thread.
Who would have seen that coming? ;)

View attachment 103719

Shouldn't there be a word to describe a phobia of irrational fear of accidents, or murder, or vehicle accidents?
You bonehead.. No one has ever died of Terrorism.. All victims of terrorist acts have been injured or murdered. The purpose of terrorism isn't to kill people but to influence people with the THREAT of violence. There should be a word to describe Himaginn.. I like Sooey's term "Wormtongue" A word indeed to fit the person.
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Put it into context.

Being hacked to death in the street while minding your own business, or having your throat slit while catching the tube home from work, are a bit different from cutting the lead with the flymo while doing the grass.

I don't wearily walk past my garden shed, as I do while walking through town.
If it's a phobia, it's irrational - by definition.

I think a fear of terrorism in legitimate, and number of deaths is not neccesarily a great measure. People who are injured or who were involved with some sort of rescue, be that an RTC or accident or terrorist incident are arguably more heavily effected.


It's obvious from this which religion is most to blame.

"The vast, vast majority of these attacks do take place in a very small number of countries. So in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria, in Nigeria."

The west hasn't seen anything yet!
It's obvious from this which religion is most to blame.

"The vast, vast majority of these attacks do take place in a very small number of countries. So in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria, in Nigeria."

The west hasn't seen anything yet!
Shall we now put up the graphic from the 70's, 80's, 90's?
It's not a thread about which 'terrorist organisation' is most responsible. It's a thread about whether it's rational or irrational to be so frightened of terror that it becomes a phobia.
But you manage to turn all the non-islamophobic threads into islamophobic threads.
It's fairly rational to fear those things you have no control over. [like my wife getting hold of my wallet].
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
Who mentioned islamophobia?
Ahh, you did! :rolleyes:
Sorry, will put the next line of your statement up which you wrote to me after a terrorist attack..
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
For sure, you didn't mention Islam, but your motives and prejudices were abundantly clear.
You'll never learn Himmy.
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
Who mentioned islamophobia?
Ahh, you did! :rolleyes:
Sorry, will put the next line of your statement up which you wrote to me after a terrorist attack..
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
For sure, you didn't mention Islam, but your motives and prejudices were abundantly clear.
You'll never learn Himmy.
Really weird that innit, because you followed your first linked comment with this one, where you think it was bizarre that the officials didn't think the incident was terror related:
Bizarrely this just came up on the BBC website..
This comment makes it abundantly clear that you assumed, that the first report was about a terrorist incident. You appear perplexed that it wasn't a terrorist incident after all.
My comment followed your second post, and linked to your first post.
Look back at the thread and all will become clear.
No, you won't do that because you don't like my suggestions. Especially when they prove your racist intent by defending racists.
Perhaps then you were even stooping to emulate spuey by trying to incite racial hatred, and trying to represent a non-terrorist related incident as a terrorist related incident.
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
Who mentioned islamophobia?
Ahh, you did! :rolleyes:
Sorry, will put the next line of your statement up which you wrote to me after a terrorist attack..
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
For sure, you didn't mention Islam, but your motives and prejudices were abundantly clear.
You'll never learn Himmy.
Really weird that innit, because you followed your first linked comment with this one, where you think it was bizarre that the officials didn't think the incident was terror related:
Bizarrely this just came up on the BBC website..
This comment makes it abundantly clear that you assumed, that the first report was about a terrorist incident. You appear perplexed that it wasn't a terrorist incident after all.
My comment followed your second post, and linked to your first post.
Look back at the thread and all will become clear.
No, you won't do that because you don't like my suggestions. Especially when they prove your racist intent by defending racists.
Perhaps then you were even stooping to emulate spuey by trying to incite racial hatred, and trying to represent a non-terrorist related incident as a terrorist related incident.
Weird innit? I made no mention of MUSLIM terrorists, as can be seen on my first post:
Is it me or is it feeling like a day doesn't go by without hearing about more murders? It's becoming a very sad world :(
And my second post, which was in response of hearing about some murders in the post above mine in Baghdad was this:
I've heard is 6 people dead so far, many injured and that they are on the run. Sorry to hear about Baghdad too, it really does seem like it's every day, so many innocent people.
So, again you're making it up as you go along Himmy and seeing stuff that isn't there.
I assumed nothing, I wrote nothing about Muslim terrorists, I merely put a link up on a story as it was happening to express my sadness of this world. It seemed like there was just too many stories like that in quick succession and it was, quite rightly, getting me down.
Again, you're proven yourself too quick to be judge, jury and executioner.
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
Who mentioned islamophobia?
Ahh, you did! :rolleyes:
Sorry, will put the next line of your statement up which you wrote to me after a terrorist attack..
Now take a bow for starting yet another islamophobic thread.
For sure, you didn't mention Islam, but your motives and prejudices were abundantly clear.
You'll never learn Himmy.
Really weird that innit, because you followed your first linked comment with this one, where you think it was bizarre that the officials didn't think the incident was terror related:
Bizarrely this just came up on the BBC website..
This comment makes it abundantly clear that you assumed, that the first report was about a terrorist incident. You appear perplexed that it wasn't a terrorist incident after all.
My comment followed your second post, and linked to your first post.
Look back at the thread and all will become clear.
No, you won't do that because you don't like my suggestions. Especially when they prove your racist intent by defending racists.
Perhaps then you were even stooping to emulate spuey by trying to incite racial hatred, and trying to represent a non-terrorist related incident as a terrorist related incident.
Weird innit? I made no mention of MUSLIM terrorists, as can be seen on my first post:
Is it me or is it feeling like a day doesn't go by without hearing about more murders? It's becoming a very sad world :(
And my second post, which was in response of hearing about some murders in the post above mine in Baghdad was this:
I've heard is 6 people dead so far, many injured and that they are on the run. Sorry to hear about Baghdad too, it really does seem like it's every day, so many innocent people.
So, again you're making it up as you go along Himmy and seeing stuff that isn't there.
I assumed nothing, I wrote nothing about Muslim terrorists, I merely put a link up on a story as it was happening to express my sadness of this world. It seemed like there was just too many stories like that in quick succession and it was, quite rightly, getting me down.
Again, you're proven yourself too quick to be judge, jury and executioner.
Anyone got a digger for blightymam to borrow?
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