Cheap parking in London-suggestions welcome :-)

14 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Says it all in the subject line.

Weekday pm, a few hours, no congestion charge please.
Somewhere around London zoo would be fine, as we don't mind walking across Regent's Park.

Tube would be about £36 for us all, which doesn't seem worth it for an afternoon.

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I often drive down M40 to Hillingdon and use tube (day ticket as little as £12 each adult, if I remember correctly). It provides free travel on tubes and buses all day, although that may be off-peak charges.
I think the day parking at Hillingdon is about £6 for a weekday. Although I do not think you can pre-book at this one and spaces may be in high demand. I have always managed to find a space.

Maybe more expensive but peace of mind, and quicker.
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Thanks all.

I'll already be in Hillingdon (i often park up there and tube it in), but it's not worth it for three hours, with the family in tow.

Might try SFK's suggestion, cheers :)
If you google 'park on drive' there are several websites who manage the hiring of private driveways in London.
Might try SFK's suggestion, cheers :)

The entrance can be a bit tricky there, depending what way your going, just be wary of straying off route into the congestion zone, a few selected sections of roads like Baker street and Gloucester place are exempt to allow you to double back, but thats if your driving from euston end, I expect you will be coming from the other way so can just turn in with it on the left, just past the junction, its easy to miss it, leaving after con charge has expired then no worries.
Ps watch out for the box junction cameras on the main road.
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