Rats, ship.

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Anyone wanting to stand for election as boss tory will have a problem getting elected, because there is no majority among the Tory MPs for any of the options.

Hard Brexit? No majority.

Soft Brexit? No majority.

May's scheme? No majority.

Remain? No majority

If the MPs can't get an unopposed candidate in, the geriatric members of the party in their constituencies get to choose between the top two, which takes a couple of months, and Bredisaster will have rolled along a bit further by the time they've finished.

With the country in a total shambles, will it benefit from increasing the confusion and nonsense by fumbling around in the dark for another idiot, who also can't achieve the impossible?
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What have you dumb quitters done to the UK, FFS.
Dumb quitters don't know and don't care...

They don't give a monkeys about their family members losing their livelihoods, or sectarian violence returning to N.I. (and thus the UK)...

Therefore it is no point trying to reason with dumb quitters!
Dumb quitters don't know and don't care...

They don't give a monkeys about their family members losing their livelihoods,
Or themselves. I saw a guy who works at Nissan in Sunderland interviewed on TV only a few weeks ago who said that losing his job would be a worthwhile price to pay to leave the EU.

or sectarian violence returning to N.I. (and thus the UK)...
87% of NI leave voters in Northern Ireland and 75% of English Conservatives would be willing to see the peace process collapse as long as Brexit is delivered.

Therefore it is no point trying to reason with dumb quitters!
Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired. Jonathan Swift, 1721
Brino was designed by the EU to keep britain tied to EU membership. I really don’t see why the Remainers are so upset with it. It’s the only realistic option to get a brexitref 2 on the table.

How on earth can there be a general election and a termination of article 50 in under 6 months.

You claim to be the educated elite. But it’s such a stretch in the available time.
Brino was designed by the EU to keep britain tied to EU membership. I really don’t see why the Remainers are so upset with it.
The problem is the 'deal' is only concerned with the financial/trade implications...

It doesn't address the problems that millions of people will have over their lives being ruined, and the ignorance over the limiting of choice for future generations.

But hey, it's all about keeping out johnny/jane foreigner who are the root of all our ills isn't it :rolleyes:
the Remainers are so upset with it.

show us one who say's he's upset with it and ask him.

I didn't hear him, having been drowned out by the enraged howls of Quitters who are so upset with it.
You claim to be the educated elite.

Please do show us a remainer making that claim. I'd be really interested to see who you think it is.

Is it multi-millionaire old Etonian Buffoon Johnson? Or black-suited Investment manager multi-millionaire Rice-Pudd? Former President of the Oxford Union, Murdoch's chum Michael Gove? Ex-Dulwich College and multi-millionaire city trader, the Trumpist Farage? They're Quitters, you know,
Yep labour will be joining with Boris Johnson and Rees Mogg in the voting against the agreement

You claim to be the educated elite.

If they had a braincell (or pair of testicles) between them, they wouldn’t be on a DIY Internet forum arguing with a Plumber from Durham or an Orangery builder from Sussex. They would be doing something useful.

They are just as stupid as the people they like to call stupid. Complacency lost them the referendum and all they do is moan, dumbass’s.

To little, too late.
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