Record immigration figures released. Why we should get out !

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Noticeably ignoring the obvious, "what about the benefits over that period?"
You can only countenance the costs.
I have ignored nothing. We know what the benefits are -they are the very reality we have lived in for forty years. But we cannot know the costs. As Thomas Sowell points out, when it comes to ecomonic forecasting you must always counter with: "Compared to what?"
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I have ignored nothing. We know what the benefits are -they are the very reality we have lived in for forty years. But we cannot know the costs. As Thomas Sowell points out, when it comes to ecomonic forecasting you must always counter with: "Compared to what?"
You were the one that wanted to do a comparison. Now that we both understand that no comparison exists, we can both accept that ‘all things being equal’ we are losing £600 million a week.
we are losing £600 million a week.
That is a statement of fact, but since Sachs provides no error range the figure is still meaningless. It would be more correct if you (or Sachs) added "I reckon" on the end of your sentence.
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Jeremy Corbyn’s spokesman on whether retaining free movement will be one of his demands in talks with May: “Freedom of movement ends when we leave the EU and we will replace it with fair management of migration.”
What’s the £600million being spent on?
If your boss says to you, "Sorry, Ian, I'm going to have to deduct 50 quid from you each week, to make up for your breakfast time wasting."

Do you then think, "hmmm, what will I spend that 50 quid on?"
Or do you think, "hmmm, what I could have done with that money?"

The UK is 600 million quid worse off, not better off!
Bodd is applying his bigoted brain again!
And as usual inventing facts to fit his imagination. Not unusual for Bodd the racist, the liar, the one who resorts to absurdity.
He must assume that only immigrants require housing assistance.

the facade is slowly slipping the good old Himmagin is coming back to the fore

will we soon be getting yer "Smile / Snap" routine :LOL::LOL:
Huh! Peanuts.
Brexit uncertainty has cost Britain £600 million a week - Goldman Sachs
Woaa Newsflash! That's right its called MPs attempting to thwart and reverse brexit for the last two years, instead of just getting on with it..that's what has cost us. Do you guys talk to people outside your room/road , hey even country. I travel alot and it's fascinating how they see it over the pond. Its absolutely nothing to do with our vote or 'brexiteers' we merely indicated what we wanted to do just as people did to remain? You could argue collectively we've all created this mess.
:rolleyes: the mess was created when some one decided to have a referendum
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