Record immigration figures released. Why we should get out !

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Yep and then he said 'fck this i'm off' and yes he's the root cause, we know that?
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If your boss says to you, "Sorry, Ian, I'm going to have to deduct 50 quid from you each week, to make up for your breakfast time wasting."

Do you then think, "hmmm, what will I spend that 50 quid on?"
Or do you think, "hmmm, what I could have done with that money?"

The UK is 600 million quid worse off, not better off!

Yes, I thought they were saying EU membership costs us £350m a week but Brexit is costing us £600m a week.

So I think your saying it doesn’t cost us as an outgoing but it’s costing us by missing it as an income?
The government paid one bloke (I think he was known as the March 29th Brexit exit secretary) a gazillion £££s per week. Poor sod was made redundant on the 30th. Couldn't find a replacement because they couldn't agree on the next date.:mrgreen:
EU membership costs us £350m a week but Brexit is costing us £600m a week
Ironic that Brexiteers were salivating over those enormous savings only to cost the country even more money. Shame there wasn't a bus to warn of the financial dangers of Brexit.
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Do you know how blinkered you sound, want another record to play? Oh the cap fits and keeps you happy ;) I reckon you could define a brexiteer in two words maybe less. Go on...
Bodd is applying his bigoted brain again!
And as usual inventing facts to fit his imagination. Not unusual for Bodd the racist, the liar, the one who resorts to absurdity.
He must assume that only immigrants require housing assistance.

Your having a party Jason.
Everyone you have invited turns up.
A ring on the bell and a bunch of people want to come in. You don't know these people.
Do you say sorry I have no room. Or do you invite them in. Walk em through the garden and out the gate into your neighbours party she's having that is also packed.

Regardless of their colour nationality or religion. Do you have the moral right to push these people elsewhere.

If you believe you can without asking the party girl, then your an arrogent git.
Even more gullible if you don't believe many mps have delayed brexit for years because they disagreed with the democratic vote. (y)
want another record to play
Sorry, does it offend you that the likes of businesses, farmers and the UK are losing billions as a result of the vote?
Would you like me to post more palatable words like foreigners are leaving in their droves and the NHS is struggling?

What positives are there about Brexit, prey tell?

I'll wait...
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