Is the EU dangerous ?

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The only thing that is dangerous is the lack of knowledge.

Charles Moore lol He's preaching to his crowd.
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(here we go) I dont hate foreigners however i dislike people who label people racist xenophobe etc, when people indicate our population is already beyond our infrastructure, councils etc unable to support the extra people, this isn't about being anti race, its not necessarily anti our fellow white/black/brown brothers and sisters etc. Sometimes its about people that really need a home i get it, but these should be for our british homeless first surely? I completely don't believe the fact we are denying ourselves of hundres of cheap doctors and nurses/skilled workers. Alot of big companies like immigrants simply for cheap labour, helps improve the profit share, they dont give a sh't about them after that!
(waiting for some self deprecating boner brain to pull this one apart)
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(here we go) I dont hate foreigners however i dislike people who label people racist xenophobe etc, when people indicate our population is already beyond our infrastructure, councils etc unable to support the extra people, this isn't about being anti race, its not necessarily anti our fellow white/black/brown brothers and sisters etc. Sometimes its about people that really need a home i get it, but these should be for our british homeless first surely? I completely don't believe the fact we are denying ourselves of hundres of cheap doctors and nurses/skilled workers. Alot of big companies like immigrants simply for cheap labour, helps improve the profit share, they dont give a sh't about them after that!
(waiting for some self deprecating boner brain to pull this one apart)
Here we go: festive starts by stating he doesn't hate foreigners, then continues by inciting hatred against foreigners and immigrants, by promoting false anti-foreigner propaganda.
If you dislike being described as a xenophobe, stop behaving like one!

The allegation that new migrants are jumping the queue for council housing and housing association homes was nailed as a myth by research recently published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
But as a xenophobe, don't let facts get in your way of inciting racial hatred.
Out of interest Mr pretend-not-xenophobe, who would you classify as British?
Where would we house refugees?
How many houses are being built and how many do we need?
How many immigrant workers apply for and are allocated social housing?
You don't differentiate between social housing and private housing. How do you think private housing should be allocated?
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I would argue your bigotry is as bad or worse than racism the amount of fairy tail hot air you make up about 'the brexiteers' etc, its verging on fanatical and extreme.
Argue all you like...

I ain't the one blaming Johnny/Jane foreigner for all their ills :rolleyes:

PS. You still don't have a handle on this 'bigot' lark do you...
Do us all a favour and look again in your mirror ;)
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