50,000 new jobs as a result of Brexit, Hurrah!

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Border red tape will mean 50,000 new form-fillers after Brexit"

Michael Gove has endorsed claims that up to 50,000 people will have to be recruited to carry out customs paperwork under the government’s preferred Canada-style trade deal with the EU — the equivalent of the population of a medium-sized town.

The Cabinet Office minister was on Thursday pressed by businesses that send goods across borders to provide more cash to help them recruit and train the army of form-fillers needed to process the red tape spawned when Britain exits the transition period on January 1 2021.

Mr Gove was challenged by Labour MP Justin Madders to confirm that 50,000 people would be required to handle the customs declarations needed for trade with the EU and whether it was feasible to recruit them in such a short space of time.

“Yes it is and the government stand behind that,” Mr Gove said.

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so the point of brexit is to leave that nasty bureaucratic EU, but it will need 50,000 bureaucrats to cope with all the extra bureaucracy.

I wonder if brexiteers never understood the benefits if the single market.
Nah, weer so fick our brains hurt.

Nah, weer so fick our brains hurt
its odd, I've never seen you mention the huge increase in bureaucracy as a result of brexit.

perhaps this is the first you've known about it
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At least they will be 50,000 BRITISH jobs and not 25,000 EU staffers. Blimey, announce a new motorway, a high speed railway or a cross London rail link and everyone’s going "Hurrah, jobs galore" but create 50,000 new jobs down to Brexit and that’s bad news. Never happy, some people. :rolleyes:
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Ive mentioned the additional cost of non tariff barriers umpteen times, which you childishly dismissed as a 'fact' on various occasions

well here we are, it was always a fact.
At least they will be 50,000 BRITISH jobs and not 25,000 EU staffers. Blimey, announce a new motorway, a high speed railway or a cross London rail link and everyone’s going "Hurrah, jobs galore" but create 50,000 new jobs down to Brexit and that’s bad news. Never happy, some people. :rolleyes:

of course its bad news -the cost will get charged to businesses -you will end up paying for it.

seriously do you not think anything through
Govt has allocated £7.5 million for the 50,000 staff

which I can only assume will cover the training and recruitment, as 50,000 employees will cost more like £1billion -which will be paid business
Peanuts. Don’t worry yourself about it. 50,000 jobs means 50,000 off the dole. Add that to what we will not be paying towards the 25,000 EU staff plus other savings and it’s not too bad.
Peanuts. Don’t worry yourself about it. 50,000 jobs means 50,000 off the dole. Add that to what we will not be paying towards the 25,000 EU staff plus other savings and it’s not too bad.

As a brexiter you wont have any idea of the benefits of the single market, so you wont have any clue the benefits far outweigh the membership fee.

50,000 extra admin staff is just the start of extra costs
At least they will be 50,000 BRITISH jobs and not 25,000 EU staffers. Blimey, announce a new motorway, a high speed railway or a cross London rail link and everyone’s going "Hurrah, jobs galore" but create 50,000 new jobs down to Brexit and that’s bad news. Never happy, some people. :rolleyes:
Will they be? You don't need to be in the UK to fill in paperwork.

But I doubt those jobs will last, this is what automation is for. Code to increase the throughput of each staff member so they can handle more cases. 50k will drop to 10k and lower.

Then it's just another cost on a company's bottom line. Unless you're a small business, which might not be able to afford the tooling, in which case it's just more pointless paperwork.
Will they be? You don't need to be in the UK to fill in paperwork.

But I doubt those jobs will last, this is what automation is for. Code to increase the throughput of each staff member so they can handle more cases. 50k will drop to 10k and lower.

Then it's just another cost on a company's bottom line. Unless you're a small business, which might not be able to afford the tooling, in which case it's just more pointless paperwork.

A bare bones FTA or no deal will see significant costs for UK businesses that export. We will see many companies leave these shores and move to be inside the SM, esp those businesses that already have factories on mainland Europe.

The delays and admin costs will mean lots of EU businesses will switch to EU suppliers.

Imports will cost more from Europe, esp food as we get so much from EU

Its going to be tough for business over the next few years. I dont see govt being much help either.
What an absolute crock of sh1t. 50,000 jobs to fill out forms, nonsense.
Regardless of wether or not we're in a free trade agreement, WTO or a Single Market, the movement of goods needs to be documented (online or on paper), always has been, always will be. If that wasn't the case, how on earth could you come up with any form of statistics stating how much we import, how much we export, or what we import/export, which I know you like to do.
If customs duty is involved, all you need to know is:
Country of origin
Country of arrival
Nature of goods
Value of goods

Bang, job done, duty is x amount (all automated on computer).

That information is required even if we're in a free market so really nothing has changed, and of course this system is already in place because we already trade with countries outside of the free market, as we've always done.
50,000 jobs?? on yer bike.
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