Fudging the Testing Figures

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
So it's been over 2 weeks since the Government last released the number of people actually tested!

So the Government is now sending double or more the amount of tests that Nursing Homes have requested. This is to massage the testing figures as they count tests as those sent out not those completed.


Care homes are receiving far more coronavirus testing kits than they order, raising concern that the extra supplies help the government inflate the number of people it claims have been tested.

“I telephoned the company that has been contracted by the government to complete the testing, as I was concerned that I had received someone else’s testing sets by mistake, to be told that they have been told to send out double the amount that has been requested, [and] they then record that number as daily tests completed,” added the manager, who we have chosen not to name.

Now we find out that some of the kits are faulty and need to be destroyed - I wonder if they will alter the testing figures to reflect that.....

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One care home manager wrote last week to residents’ families telling them that when she recently asked for kits with which to test loved ones and staff, “instead of sending 200, I was sent 400”.

Obviously 200 'pairs'.(y)
There could be a legitimate reason for sending out more than is needed. Having looked at instructions one thing not mentioned is numbers. If some care home wants to swab routinely before symptoms are apparent they would need to set up repeat orders. There doesn't seem to be any guide on how many to order. Usual clarity. Instructions look like they may apply to outbreaks. Bit tricky as how many will they want? Hard to say really. One per person doesn't sound too good and routine swabbing is probably their best option.

Using it to massage numbers - they are counting all sent by post where ever they go. What is missing is returns and results. There have been complaints from the science people about clarity of reporting since Pillar 2 started, lab tests not NHS. I'd be inclined to say they took the easy route as can't handle it and also thought well the numbers that way looked good. When Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 results are compared it gets confusing as no idea where these people are. Only way to compare with past generally reported figures now is hospital entries which continue to fall. The proportion of positive results from tests is much lower than the numbers done and always has been. Deaths are still reported but hospital entries are more related to what is currently going on. As are people found to be positive but in a different way.
While the process of obtaining them is quite quick and simple, they are actually quite tricky to use.
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Its the governments fault we are all old, obese and diabetic susceptible to covid too.
I suppose we can blame them for not doing the job we expect of them.


No planning was done for the enormous economic damage likely to be caused by a pandemic hitting the UK, senior civil servants have admitted.

The government modelled the impact on the health service and on local government’s ability to cope, but did no detailed work on companies having to shut down and on staff being laid off, MPs were told.

“That’s extraordinary,” said Meg Hillier, the chairman of the Commons committee investigating preparations ahead of the Covid-19 outbreak, adding: “I’m quite dumbstruck by that.”
ahh the usual benefit of hind sight and the ability to say everything they did only we'd do it better response.
The government modelled the impact on the health service and on local government’s ability to cope, but did no detailed work on companies having to shut down and on staff being laid off, MPs were told.

Well at least they acknowledge work was done on the NHS impact and local govt, as for companies shutting down, there is nothing that can be done about it other than chuck a shedload of money at the problem, and no-one can accuse this govt of not doing that.
Massaging figures and stats is part of politics

If u cannot do. It u may be best advised to stay out of politics
What would you have put in place to save every UK company and prevent an increase in unemployment.

So when did you turn into a dirty socialist, saving companies - why should every UK company be saved? As a free marketer shouldn't the free market decide what happens. Suddenly you have gone all Karl Marx.

Perhaps if you can form a coherent question first silly filly.
So when did you turn into a dirty socialist, saving companies - why should every UK company be saved? As a free marketer shouldn't the free market decide what happens. Suddenly you have gone all Karl Marx.

Perhaps if you can form a coherent question first silly filly.

I'll put that down as an "I don't know" then.
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