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.. im a racist and that I don't really like you , because your an alien..
If you dislike someone purely for the simple reason that they are of a different ethnicity to you, then if it's not racism, please suggest what your dislike is based on.

These sort of people are the ones that Stoke up the hatred.
Racists are the ones that create division and hatred.
Your argument is akin to suggesting that those who dislike drug pushers are creating unrest in society. Whereas, it's the drug pushers who are creating unrest in society.
It's the offenders, not the ones complaining about the offence, that create hatred in society.
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If you dislike someone purely for the simple reason that they are of a different ethnicity to you, then if it's not racism, please suggest what your dislike is based on.

Well done that's right Bobby. You have described racism correctly.
This is your standard.
If I find something offensive it must be racist.
What planet are you on???
That is not what I said.
I said if you find jokes, etc based on the difference in ethnicity, offensive, then it can be racist.
Do you see the difference between what I said, and what you think I said?

It's not a subjective thing.
Of course it's a subjective thing. What one person finds offensive, another person might not find it offensive.
For instance, an Englishman might not find Irish jokes offensive. An Irish person might.
Therefore it is subjective.
I suggest you look up the definition of subjective.

Something is either racist or it is not.
Something is considered to be racist, if it is potentially racist.
If you are unable to perceive what is potentially racist, then the problem is with you.
Would you prefer to wait until being judged a racist, or would you prefer to avoid that judgment by avoiding such behaviour that would be considered racist?

It's not up to the snowflake listener to feel offended and judge if something is racist.
And now the derogatory name-calling starts.
It is up to everyone in society to call out racism when they encounter it, if they wish to eradicate racism.
Of course, those who have no wish to eradicate racism will not call out racism, and will even deny its existence.

If someone calls me a spaghetti muncher and I feel offended, by your standard that is racist, when in fact it's only funny.
If spaghetti muncher is used in a derogatory manner to refer to Italians, then it is racist.
Why not call them Italians? It's easier, it's shorter and it's more socially acceptable. If someone uses spaghetti muncher to refer to Italians, I think it's safe to assume that they are being derogatory.
If you prefer to laugh at such attempts to be derogatory, well done you. But it does not stop the term from being racist, because you prefer to deal with it your way.
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Your argument is akin to suggesting that those who dislike drug pushers are creating unrest in society. Whereas, it's the drug pushers who are creating unrest in society.

I think that's your argument.
Donald Trump disliked Mexican drug dealers. He didn't dislike laws abiding Mexicans that fear the drug cartels as much as any law abiding citizen.
I think that's your argument.
Donald Trump disliked Mexican drug dealers. He didn't dislike laws abiding Mexicans that fear the drug cartels as much as any law abiding citizen.
He described all Mexicans as drug dealers.
Don't try to re-write history.
Don't try to re-write history

How did you come to this . What have I said today or yesterday or even this week that suggests I'm trying to rewrite history?

You can go back as far as 2009 if you can dig up something
Nothing wrong with Itie's. (y):rolleyes::cautious:

Whst did the Italians ever do for us. Apart from;
Cucumber farms
Fast cars
Peter Bonetti.
Gianfranco Zola.
Christopher Columbus.

Apart from that what did the the Italians ever do for us
Yes, that always worked so well in the past ...
The thing is it hasn't been implemented, benefits have only increased in value or scope ... and claimants.

There are many people who make living off the state a way of life, and as soon as action is attempted, the do-gooders pipe up and there is uproar. So the state bill just gets greater as the number of claimants increase.
Whst did the Italians ever do for us. Apart from;
Cucumber farms
Fast cars
Peter Bonetti.
Gianfranco Zola.
Christopher Columbus.

Apart from that what did the the Italians ever do for us
Limoncello, Martini, Rosanna Schiaffino. :love:
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