'Vaccines' not the 'cure'...

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It does and that’s the main thing.
Does it?
Are you sure?
So that would mean that not one person who has had the Covid jab has gone in to die of Covid according to the statistics being thrown around.

The UK has so far received 143 reports of death following vaccination—
If the Covid jab prevented death then not one person would die from Covid after receiving the jab.
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Does it?
Are you sure?
So that would mean that not one person who has had the Covid jab has gone in to die of Covid according to the statistics being thrown around.

The UK has so far received 143 reports of death following vaccination—
If the Covid jab prevented death then not one person would die from Covid after receiving the jab.
strawman argument

it takes time to reach protection from covid infection after being vaccinated -so there are instances of people getting covid, having the jab then dying.
And what will you say to the families of the tens of thousands who are likely to die from treatable illnesses because of the way the 'virus' is preventing diagnosis/treatment?

you need to read what you wrote

"the virus is preventing diagnosis / treatment"

yes indeed -when the hospitals are full of covid patients they cant deal with patients with preventable diseases.

luckily we have a solution for that: the vaccine

have you had it yet?
Does it?
Are you sure?
So that would mean that not one person who has had the Covid jab has gone in to die of Covid according to the statistics being thrown around.

The UK has so far received 143 reports of death following vaccination—
If the Covid jab prevented death then not one person would die from Covid after receiving the jab.

Approximately 1643 people die every day in this country, the vast majority of those will have been vaccinated (The Elderly)

It's a certainty that vaccinating 31 million people will ensure many thousands will already have the virus when vaccinated, some of those will die.

Check how effective vaccinations have been for the UK, compared to other countries...https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
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Approximately 1643 people die every day in this country, the vast majority of those will have been vaccinated (The Elderly)

It's a certainty that vaccinating 31 million people will ensure many thousands will already have the virus when vaccinated, some of those will die.

Check how effective vaccinations have been for the UK, compared to other countries...https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
So does that very same statement also count when people have said about dying with Covid not of Covid?
How come it’s ok for you guys who are staunch believers in all things Covid to say that but when myself and others say that to back up our claims we are called every name under the sun.
Yet another case of when it suits a certain agenda it’s ok but when it doesn’t it’s false.
If 1643 people die every day can we assume that of those 1643 daily deaths some of them would have been said to have Covid so they died with Covid not of Covid
Thus making the numbers relating to Covid deaths incorrect.
Also what is the total deaths in the uk at the moment is it around 127 thousand?
Therefore it’s a certainty that of those 127 thousand many would have had Covid but died of other causes.
But I guess that as it doesn’t suit your agenda that will be false.
If 1643 people die every day can we assume that of those 1643 daily deaths some of them would have been said to have Covid so they died with Covid not of Covid

If you look at todays results for the UK, then only 38 were registered as Covid 19 deaths, the other 1605 ( approx), had other causes of death on the certificate.

There is no conspiracy to falsely report causes of death.
If 1643 people die every day can we assume that of those 1643 daily deaths some of them would have been said to have Covid so they died with Covid not of Covid

Well yes, but no one is claiming anything different. It is recorded if someone dies within 28 days of a positive Covid test. It is up to the doctor treating them to highlight, to the best of their knowledge, how important a role Covid played in the death. It has always been that way.
Plus, for the last four weeks there have been a lot fewer deaths than normal in the UK (minus excess deaths) so, presumably, some might claim that the vaccine is even better - or they could have already unfortunately died earlier in the year or last year.

Did I not hear that the number of deaths from blood clots after the vaccination was actually lower than the expected usual number? Does that mean the vaccine is preventing clots?

As for comparing the numbers on Worldometer, I have said a couple of times that pro rata the figures are remarkably similar between the UK and Portugal although Portugal has not administered as many vaccines, so maybe it's not that.

With which countries should the figures be compared? Obviously with one that is doing worse; not better.
"The UK government has granted pharmaceutical giant Pfizer a legal indemnity protecting it from being sued, enabling its coronavirus vaccine to be rolled out across the country as early as next week.
The Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed the company has been given an indemnity protecting it from legal action as a result of any problems with the vaccine.
Ministers have also changed the law in recent weeks to give new protections to companies such as Pfizer, giving them immunity from being sued by patients in the event of any complications."

Ellal, you are simply a conspiracist -its not the smoking gun you like to claim.

Pharmaceutical companies normally have full control of the pace of the roll out of a vaccine and price.....the risk of law suits anticipated costs have to be assessed as a business risk. However with the covid vaccine, governments have provided funding and there has been huge time pressure due to the pandemic to roll out the vaccine -so the pharmaceutical companies havent been in control of their normal decision making. Therefore not surprisingly they dont want to take risks
Therefore it’s a certainty that of those 127 thousand many would have had Covid but died of other causes.

John if you bothered to look, the figures are available:

We use the term "due to COVID-19" when referring only to deaths where that illness was recorded as the underlying cause of death. We use the term "involving COVID-19" when referring to deaths that had that illness mentioned anywhere on the death certificate, whether as an underlying cause or not.

Deaths involving and due to COVID-19, England and Wales, deaths registered in 2020 and 2021
Deaths involving COVID-19 133096

Deaths due to COVID-19 119728


if it helps you to understand, there is also an article explaining the complications of establishing primary cause of death:

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