Carry on Lab Rats...

Some Anti-Vaxxers on here claim to be capable of 'individual thought'. It’s a pity those individual thoughts are all bollux.

Yeah, they all have individual thought, which is based on the same Rumble videos they've all watched and believed.
Baaaaaa - anti-vaxxers and the true sheeples.
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Mate's mil just died of covid. Very sudden. She was only 55. Was a smoker, which didn't help her chances.
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In other news, some people are suing to become lab rats.

A judge in Ohio ordered a hospital to treat a Covid-19 patient with ivermectin, despite warnings from experts that the anti-parasitic drug has not proved effective against the virus and can be dangerous in large doses.

Technically they aren't even a lab rat, as they're not going to generate any science. They aren't part of a study and no new knowledge will come out of it.

The Cochrane library have found 1,650 study participants over multiple trials which failed to show results. That's a tiny sample. I dont think those include the Together Trial, an American version of our recovery trial, which dropped it for being useless.

Antivaxers: Treating themselves worse than lab rats and suing for the right to do so
In other news, some people are suing to become lab rats.

Technically they aren't even a lab rat, as they're not going to generate any science. They aren't part of a study and no new knowledge will come out of it.

The Cochrane library have found 1,650 study participants over multiple trials which failed to show results. That's a tiny sample. I dont think those include the Together Trial, an American version of our recovery trial, which dropped it for being useless.

Antivaxers: Treating themselves worse than lab rats and suing for the right to do so

the problem with anti vaxxers and lockdown sceptics is that science offers a huge grey area in which conspiracy theories and misinformation can flourish.

the current thing doing the rounds is that "covid is totally treatable, theres no need for lockdowns or vaccines"
In other news, some people are suing to become lab rats.

Technically they aren't even a lab rat, as they're not going to generate any science. They aren't part of a study and no new knowledge will come out of it.

The Cochrane library have found 1,650 study participants over multiple trials which failed to show results. That's a tiny sample. I dont think those include the Together Trial, an American version of our recovery trial, which dropped it for being useless.

Antivaxers: Treating themselves worse than lab rats and suing for the right to do so
To be fair, ther are some studies which indicate Ivermectin does help -the problem is the pharmas havent bothered with doing large scale studies (because vaccines are the only long term solution)

in the UK, the REACH study is a major programme for Ivermectin, so we should have a decent study sometime soon.
To be fair, ther are some studies which indicate Ivermectin does help -the problem is the pharmas havent bothered with doing large scale studies (because vaccines are the only long term solution)

in the UK, the REACH study is a major programme for Ivermectin, so we should have a decent study sometime soon.
There have been a handful of studies. In the lab it seems promising if you crank it up to lethal levels but when it comes to human trials the only large scale high quality one binned it for being useless.

Are you sure you mean Reach? Because that's small scale and on children. Both mean it'll be useless for detecting any impact on Covid-19 survival or avoiding harm.

There is another Reach study but that's a retrospective analysis and doesn't cover ivermectin

Edit: the pharma not caring aspect is a red herring. It's widely available, licensed and cheap. There's nothing stopping research groups buying their own. Dexamethasone didn't need corporate sponsorship and it is wildly effective.
You might be thinking of principle.

Which is for people who haven't been admitted to hospital. It's relatively small (6,500 so far) but it is a gold standard double blind study. We might find out if ivermectin makes any difference to admission to hospital but it won't be able to tell if it saves lives as not enough will die to give a reliable estimate.
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Used to be that some people believed that mobile phone masts were spreading Covid 19, now the latest theory is that vaccination can kill you or its some sort of plot by the government to microchip the population.
Who thinks up these theories.
Does it start with a single individual with too much time on his or her hands.
Does it start with a single individual with too much time on his or her hands.

Usually. One person has a wacky idea, posts a video, tells likeminded idiots it is true, and it spreads.

It is all also unfortunately linked with political propaganda. Bit like flat earthers. If you can gather extremely gullible, and vocal, people together, who don't question what they are being told, then you generate a power marketing machine. So get all the anti-vaxxers, global warming deniers, flat earthers in the same room, then tell them the opposition party are aliens, and they will believe you and tell all their friends, constantly. Some go so far as to join DIY forums.
Does it start with a single individual with too much time on his or her hands

12 individuals

Just 12 people are responsible for the majority of COVID-19 conspiracy theories online, study finds. JFK's anti-vaxxer nephew is one of the 'disinformation dozen
To be fair, ther are some studies which indicate Ivermectin does help -the problem is the pharmas havent bothered with doing large scale studies (because vaccines are the only long term solution)
The pharmas haven't bothered because they are only worried about their profits if it proved to be effective!

Long term?

You're going to have to be jabbed at least every year, alongside the flu jab...

That's a hell of a lot of 'drug cocktail' going into your body!
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