Carry on Lab Rats...

Thus it is no surprise that you also don't have the balls to question what is being pumped into your aged body...
Hey, I’ve just had a thought. Perhaps you can ask those two 'doctor' sons of yours what has been pumped into our aged bodies (AstraZeneca jab for me, Pfizer for Mrs Mottie) and then perhaps you could make a decision for yourself. If it’s anything nasty, please come straight back, tell us all what it is and give us a warning. We'll look forward to your help for all on the forum. (y)
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Perhaps he could also tell us what they say about his vaccine terrors, his conspiracy beliefs, and his denial that Covid exists.
Thus it is no surprise that you also don't have the balls to question what is being pumped into your aged body...

But hey, I hope you (and some others here) enjoy your bend over moment and accept whatever you are given ...

It'll of course become routine!

Ellal, you cant provide any evidence of any long term side effects

so you are worrying about something unknown

most vaccines side effects historically occur shortly after vaccination

so far there have been some 2 billion people vaccinated globally -I cant believe any long term issue would have presented itself by now.
Ellal, you cant provide any evidence of any long term side effects
Of course he can't. There hasn't been a 'long term' yet.

so you are worrying about something unknown
Yes, exactly.

most vaccines side effects historically occur shortly after vaccination
Let's hope this one is no different.

so far there have been some 2 billion people vaccinated globally -I cant believe any long term issue would have presented itself by now.
Well, it wouldn't have would it?

What is it about the words 'long term' that you (and others on here) don't understand?

Just saying - because as you know I have had the vaccine.
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What is it about the words 'long term' you (and others on here) don't understand?
But you accept that every other adverse reaction from a vaccine would have been picked up by now?

I'm just checking you understand what you're worring about, something unheard of in the history of vaccination.
My post was perfectly clear therefore it must be you who cannot read properly.
You think there might be an adverse event that occurs at a point later than 9 months from vaccination.

I asked you if you are aware there has never been an adverse event that occured that long after vaccination for any vaccine ever.

I'm not sure where the misunderstanding is.
I was wondering, when will Covid-19 vaccines become the most widely used vaccine in history?

Apparently the BCG has been given to 4 billion people since it was approved in 1921. There have been 5.3 Billion Covid jabs so far, but it'll probably need to hit something like 8-9 Billion before it tops the BCG when you include the boosters for BCG, which is at the moment the most widely used vaccine in history (100 years this year!)

Technically there's over a dozen Covid-19 vaccines in use and to compare fairly we'd need to include all the other TB vaccines that have been used, but when you include boosters I'd expect TB vaccination to be disappearing into the rear view.
What is it about the words 'long term' that you (and others on here) don't understand?

how many people should die because we must not take a vaccine because it carries an unknown risk that may not exist

how many millions?
Well, it wouldn't have would it?
why not?

long term effects would occur within a time frame -if there were long term effects there must be a chance that a small percentage would happen earlier than the median.

therefore with billions of doses taken, its pretty likely long terms side effects would be noticed by now.
how many people should die because we must not take a vaccine because it carries an unknown risk that may not exist.
how many millions?
No one is saying you or anyone else must not take the vaccine. I have had it as I tiold you.

You are saying that Ellal must take it. He does not want it.

Because you wrote:
"so far there have been some 2 billion people vaccinated globally -I cant believe any long term issue would have presented itself by now."
which agrees with what I am saying.

I am sure you did not mean to say that but you did; hence my reply:
"Well, it wouldn't have would it?"

long term effects would occur within a time frame
Yes - a long term time frame; hence the use of the phrase 'long term'.

-if there were long term effects there must be a chance that a small percentage would happen earlier than the median.
Then surely, they would not be 'long term'.

therefore with billions of doses taken, its pretty likely long terms side effects would be noticed by now.
You mean they would be noticed in the short term?
It doesn't matter.

I am arguing with those who think long term effects can be determined in the short term.

An English semantic exercise rather than a medical one.
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