Extra visas for Truckers and Poultry workers

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Well it seems the EU workers are not taking up the call. After being demonised why would they?

It seems workers from further afield are coming to the UK.

"It seems more likely that visa applicants will come from further afield, licence rules permitting. This has proved the case for the UK’s “seasonal worker pilot,” which issues six-month visas to people to pick fruit and vegetables on British farms. The top four source countries so far have been Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Moldova. Some have come from as far as Nepal and Barbados."

"In addition, unlike under the EU’s free movement of labour, they are usually tied to a specific employer or recruiter which makes it hard for them to leave if they are treated poorly. As a result, the schemes can exacerbate poor pay and conditions in some sectors and calcify employers’ dependence on migrants. One study by the US Economic Policy Institute concluded: “We cannot point to one historical example in which a temporary labour shortage has been remedied with a temporary labour migration programme, and then employers returned to hiring local workers.” A favourite aphorism of migration experts is that there is nothing so permanent as a temporary migration programme."

After the Brexit vote in 2016, the government could have started planning for life without low-paid migration. It could have done all the things it is doing now in a blind panic, such as promising free training courses for HGV licences. Ministers could also have tackled the power imbalance in the food supply chain which puts relentless pressure on labour costs.

Brexxers we told you so.
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"A funny letter inviting European HGV drivers to work in the UK is going viral.

Jack Dart, co-founder of youth group Inspire EU and youth voter registration organisation Yes I Will Vote, spoke of a “great deal” Britain has for lorry drivers from the continent post-Brexit.

The letter read: “Dear EU HGV drivers,

“Yes you, the bloody foreigners with funny accents and weird food.
I know we said, ‘you were too lazy to work and were stealing our jobs’, but we’re sorry.
We have this great deal to offer you.
If you help bail us out of this sh*t show we created for ourselves, you can have a TEMPORARY VISA for FREE.
I know it’s crap pay, hours and working conditions, and ****ty weather over here, but we’ve got the Premier League and Little Chef restaurants.

It’s just until we get things sorted of course, and then you can bugger off back wherever you came from.
Sound like a good deal?
Go immediately to…


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you mustn't say that, it upsets them

poor snowflakes
I feel for you and I can understand how it must affect you more than most - how are you getting your fuel for your "hundred times a year" trips to London to visit family and friends?
you need not continue your infantile goading.

I already told you

If we all responded to all the nonsense mottie posts we'd have no time for anything else.

I do not currently live or work in Greenock. My last remaining relative in East London has died after a long illness. My remaining friends in the area are as fit as I am so we meet half way, on occasions and subject to lockdown regulations since I am not a Conservative.

mottie likes to pretend he thinks I still drive to East London every week. This is not true.

This all came about because mottie doesn't like to admit that black people are stopped by police more often than white. Especially the Met.

It is absurd that he seeks to deny it.
you need not continue your infantile goading.
Yes, if you say you don’t currently live or work in Greenock I’ll have to believe you but you were showing as living in Greenock when you made your "hundred trips to London" claim.
When you say 'infantile goading', do you mean "Mottie doesn’t care" type of goading?
I cannot see many EU drivers driving in UK anytime soon,, to be kicked out again Christmas eve...Seems a bit of a numb plan.
Something dodgy about that clip from the James O'brien show.
This bloke Orynski claims to be a truck driver/journalist.
Is he a journalist or a truck driver?
Something dodgy about that clip from the James O'brien show.
This bloke Orynski claims to be a truck driver/journalist.
Is he a journalist or a truck driver?
I assume you have other roles, other than being a poster on an internet forum.
Something dodgy about that clip from the James O'brien show.
This bloke Orynski claims to be a truck driver/journalist.
Is he a journalist or a truck driver?

You can be more than one thing. Bojo can be a liar and a moron, and many times at once. :mrgreen:
There are different passport lanes when travelling to the EU...

Those with freedom of movement and those from the UK - the loser lanes...

Maybe we should adopt the same reasoning for the fuel pumps...

Remainers stay in line...

Brexiteers, end of the queue!

No doubt some dumb mot guy will come up with a useless quip! :rolleyes:
you need not continue your infantile goading.

That's a bit rich coming from you tbh. You spend a large chunk of your life trying to wind up those posters who disagree with you. Nothing wrong with that, if that's all you've got in life but telling someone else no carry on as you do, when they are no where near as pitiful as you is a bit much.
I cannot see many EU drivers driving in UK anytime soon,, to be kicked out again Christmas eve...Seems a bit of a numb plan.

It's a sham. 'Government' know it's too little and no professional foreign driver with any self respect is going to jump through hoops to come and work in crap conditions for 12 weeks on Plague Island to get us out of the $$$h1te. Why would they, when there will be unlimited work on the continent up to Xmas closer to home with much better conditions?

The Brexers on here still knock The EU and worship Blojo and his muppets, but The EU are far superior than them when it comes to foresight and preparation. There has been a looming shortage of HGV drivers in EU for some years, so what did The EU do to help the situation? They've been spending millions of Euros across EU to make conditions better for drivers, with things like new truck stops and encouraging better pay. There's been a looming shortage of HGV drivers in UK for some years, so what did the Tory government do to help the situation? They forced through a ruinous, disasterous Brexit in the midst of a pandemic that ensured EU HGV drivers were no longer welcome in UK, and they have gone home in their droves while also making life for drivers and haulage firms much more difficult at the same time.

Governments are supposed to forsee problems and solve them. Our 'government' is totally clueless and only knows how to keep their donors happy while creating total chaos for everyone else.
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