Another shooting

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How many people do you know sneak a car into a classroom and start killing pupils? If you wanted to kill as many people as possible and you had the choice of a knife or gun, which would you choose? People die from tooth brushes but don't reach for them when going on a mass killing spree.

Stupid argument. Stupid poster. Ban guns - home protection my arse.

You misunderstood why he posted as he did, as well as who originally posted it.

Jump in, both feet first..
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Of course many homes have more than one gun, in some cases many more.
Averages don't paint a real picture, they are just an average. The average wealth of a UK citizen is somewhere in the region of £150,000, but some people have to use foodbanks, or can't heat their home, so the average wealth figure is meaningless. You (or whoever it was) saying that about 50% of American homes have guns paints a much better picture.
The police don't seem to have covered themselves in glory, waiting outside while the shooter went about his business - and the Republican answer to 'a bad guy with a gun is a good guy...' is in tatters as the good guy with a gun was unable to prevent the deaths of so many innocents.
Now they're banging on about his mental health - they'll tie themselves in knots to absolve any culpability in this crime.
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The police don't seem to have covered themselves in glory, waiting outside while the shooter went about his business - and the Republican answer to 'a bad guy with a gun is a good guy...' is in tatters as the good guy with a gun was unable to prevent the deaths of so many innocents.
Now they're banging on about his mental health - they'll tie themselves in knots to absolve any culpability in this crime.

I read up about my Cousins daughters school in Florida 2018 I think. X amount of children & teachers shot & killed yet a copper stood outside the building while it was all going on. There's an article on if he should be prosecuted for child neglect.
I can't imagine myself not going in and stopping this man shooting kids. Most definitely if I had a gun and I knew how to use it.

He failed in his duty to be a proper Police officer and what he was paid to do.
Would you send your children to school, or do what many Americans now do, and homeschool?

I was thinking that the other day. I've just said on post above.
My cousin and her husband took their eldest daughter to a pre term look around and meet the teachers at her new school.

My uncle was telling me when he was over that they met the PE teacher amongst others. Next day he was shot dead trying to protect his pupils. Too many children and teachers were murdered that next day.

My family moved from NJ to florida for a better life and that happens.

I dont think I'd be sending my girls to school in the US.

I'd have to home school them..... their spelling would be crap but they would be good plumbers:)
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The bloke barricaded himself in a class room with plenty of ammunition. It sounds like many were killed before the police arrived. I think I heard that 2 of them were killed. They appear to have been slow reacting to a car smashing into a fence - reports a bit garbled but something like that.

How long to kill say 20 people. I'd say under 10sec per shot if in view and not much longer if there was need to move around.
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I was thinking that the other day. I've just said on post above.
My cousin and her husband took their eldest daughter to a pre term look around and meet the teachers at her new school.

My uncle was telling me when he was over that they met the PE teacher amongst others. Next day he was shot dead trying to protect his pupils. Too many children and teachers were murdered that next day.

My family moved from NJ to florida for a better life and that happens.

I dont think I'd be sending my girls to school in the US.

I'd have to home school them..... their spelling would be crap but they would be good plumbers:)

I have an old school friend in this position. He was born in America to English parents, but moved here when has was young. Then after uni, he married an American lady, and moved back to America. He now has 2 boys of his own. The funny thing is, his parents moved back to the UK because of all the shootings - it was a massive problem back in the 70s too. Yes, seems worse now, but still was a problem then, over 40 years ago.

Sounds like he is stuck there as his wife has an important job, but I can tell from his FB posts that he really is not enjoying sending his kids to school. They routinely do shooter drills now, hiding under tables, locking classroom doors etc, in case of emergency. It's crazy children have to do this - we haven't had to do that sort of thing since WW2.
I have an old school friend in this position. He was born in America to English parents, but moved here when has was young. Then after uni, he married an American lady, and moved back to America. He now has 2 boys of his own. The funny thing is, his parents moved back to the UK because of all the shootings - it was a massive problem back in the 70s too. Yes, seems worse now, but still was a problem then, over 40 years ago.

Sounds like he is stuck there as his wife has an important job, but I can tell from his FB posts that he really is not enjoying sending his kids to school. They routinely do shooter drills now, hiding under tables, locking classroom doors etc, in case of emergency. It's crazy children have to do this - we haven't had to do that sort of thing since WW2.

Awful..... I can't understand intelligent men like trump make excuses for the right to bear arms.
Compare this community with downtown Chicago or Buttfuk City Texas & maybe you might begin to understand that it isn't guns that are the problem
The USA does seem to have a lot more of this sort of problem. The USA isn't the only place that has had school shootings. They have just had more.

There is an important thing to realise in this area. The part that kills is the bullet. Some styles of gun allow them to be shot more easily / more quickly. This suggest that the USA has far more of some sort of people problem around. Plus easy to get.

It is also possible to buy ammunition like this

I don't think the military are allowed to use it. Small entry wound and a much bigger exit one. It's a way of maximising damage even if it doesn't exit.
Unbelievable. The NRA are holding their annual convention in Huston. Sounds like it may be today - not sure but time wise rather close to this shooting. They fund politicians they approve of.
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Unbelievable. The NRA are holding their annual convention in Huston. Sounds like it may be today - not sure but time wise rather close to this shooting. The fund politicians they approve of.
Don McLean was supposed to be performing. He's withdrawn as have other speakers. Apparently the gun manufacturer of the type used by the killer has also withdrawn.
On a tv prog yesterday they mentioned a state governor tweeting 'light-hearted' tweets last year or whenever regarding the neighbouring state. His tweets were to advise the people in his state that the adjoining state had recorded more gun purchases in the previous year. He was asking his people to 'get out there and buy more guns' to ensure they weren't beaten the following year.


That's the mentality anti-gun folk are up against in the states.
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