UK inflation 80% caused by brexit

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for once, back up your talk with proof/facts.
I have done, hundreds of times over the past two covid years, do a search.

Perhaps the most obvious proof that covid wasn't as serious as we were told are the events now known as "Partygate".

Boris and his mates were living it up, drinking and dancing, night after night whilst at the same time instilling the fear of God into the plebs and CLOSING OUR PUBS. Labour were at it too, as were politicians in many other countries.

Our politicians should think about what happened to other leaders who went too far, e.g. Gadaffi, Ceacescu, Mussolini, Sadam.
Whenever Bo Jo says so many jobs were created, it is nothing but a complex web of lies. For example contractors who were outside IR35 have converted their job now into permanent role (and did these numbers make up its way to what ever claim that Bo Jo Makes ??)

A conservative MP tells me to move on to a new job for catching up with the increase in cost of living. Truth - I can't move into a new job because 90 % (or more) of the new jobs that hit the market are giving me less salary than what it I am receiving now.
When the inflation was 1 % or less than 2% my bosses conveniently told me that the salary rises will match inflation. As we stare inflation with 9 % now, no one is speaking about matching salary with inflation . Actually no salary rises.

People like Motti are nothing but rascists.... they don't have any real education or common sense. Only rascists and uneducated and uninformed people would have supported Brexit. What other reason could it be ?
Some people believed some of the lies or statements which never came true until now after brexit (or which will never come true) what Brexiters campaigned.

If Russian war is the problem for all issues in the country, then conservaties are divine naive creatures. It was very convenient for Boris to call out Ukraine war was for all issues. Bo Jo wanted us to get on with the job after Sue Gray report publication.
Remember, during covid, house prices sky rocketted up and up in major towns and cities. To control price rises, government should have stopped giving benefits for house purchases, but for some reason Bo Jo decided to fuel price rises by giving stamp duty holiday (and Housing was not a sector which was struggling during pandemic though. It is just that transactions stopped as people can't go in person for viewing).
Bo Jo wanted to move on after lying and lying about parties at No 10(like Motti)
And still today majority of conservaties support Bo Jo. What should all of these people be ?
Bo Jo historically has a very bad track record for lying (like Motti).
And Bo Jo was campaigning for Brexit :D.
And Bo Jo wanted MP's to do take side jobs working with corporates lobbying for policies (infact caught red handed supporting that and he supported it at first and due to uproar as always Bo Jo shamelessly back tracked what he first said)

Brexit was infact a bad decision. UK under EU was safer in all aspects. With an liar like Bo Jo campaigning for Brexit, if people voted for him, then whose mistaked was that ? Bo Jo's ? ufff... period.
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With an liar like Bo Jo campaigning for Brexit, if people voted for him, then whose mistaked was that ? Bo Jo's ? ufff... period.
The fact that Bozza championed Brexit should speak volumes. It still astonishes me the amount of people that fell for it. You'd have thought the average UK voter was not so gullible. I guess that's what old age does to the mind.
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The fact that Bozza championed Brexit should speak volumes. It still astonishes me the amount of people that fell for it. You'd have thought the average UK voter was not so gullible. I guess that's what old age does to the mind.
Also the number of people who come out to vote is astonishing. And politicians don't worry about it. The more less people vote, i guess it is better for them.
The reason that Bo Jo is splendidly survivng today as most conservative MP's support him tells loads of sheet about tories and volumes of ethics about conservative voters and how MP view common man as.
How many tories will continue as MP's today if their salaries including all possible claims they could make was reduced to 40,000 GBP Per annum or the average UK salary ?. Everyone will run away. But Bo Jo and Priti Patel and Rishi Shunak will still continue.

Shame... I wish we could have one more referendum for EU.
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The fact that Bozza championed Brexit should speak volumes. It still astonishes me the amount of people that fell for it. You'd have thought the average UK voter was not so gullible. I guess that's what old age does to the mind.
But what happened to all the pensioners that were supposed to have died after the referendum and all the ungullable students that couldn’t vote in the referendum as they were below voting age in 2016 but were going to charge to the country's rescue in the 2019 GE and vote the horrible Tories out of office? Did they tick the wrong box or something because Boris's popularity soared!

Brexit - the end to exploited cheap building trade subbies.
But what happened to all the pensioners that were supposed to have died after the referendum and all the ungullable students that couldn’t vote in the referendum as they were below voting age in 2016 but were going to charge to the country's rescue in the 2019 GE and vote the horrible Tories out of office? Did they tick the wrong box or something because Boris's popularity soared!

Brexit - the end to exploited cheap building trade subbies.

Stop it Motti you racist liar.:D;)
People like Motti are nothing but rascists.... they don't have any real education or common sense. Only rascists and uneducated and uninformed people would have supported Brexit. What other reason could it be ?

We're c***s?
The fact that Bozza championed Brexit should speak volumes. It still astonishes me the amount of people that fell for it. You'd have thought the average UK voter was not so gullible. I guess that's what old age does to the mind.

It was due to the Russians ;)
People like Motti are nothing but rascists.... they don't have any real education or common sense. Only rascists and uneducated and uninformed people would have supported Brexit.
17,410,742 voted for Brexit. Gosh, that’s a lot of uneducated racists knocking about! It’s a wonder johhny Foreigner still wants to come here!
Brexers proudly boast that they don't care how much the nation is damaged by brexit.
Boris's popularity soared!
is that so.

How well is Boris Johnson doing as Prime Minister.png

Boris Johnson trustworthiness.png

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