Breaking News (Rwanda policy)

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That isn't what was reported. Some need reconsidering. Also one of the legal people who support the boat people mentioned that they will be appealing. Appeal court first
My phrasing was poor. Every single attempt to send a person to Rwanda was rejected. The supporting arguments for each of them were rejected.
What horror exactly?

What I've not already addressed though is the effect it is having on seaside towns. Take a look at Katie's Skegness video Notch. Five Hotels have been commandeered by the Government - that's five fewer hotels available to the tourist industry, the lifeblood of places like Skeggy. And would anybody (except you) want to go on holiday to a town full of fake refugees?

The real evil in all of this - the true gangmasters - are the immigration lawyers. It is they who are taking millions off the taxpayer for their never ending appeals for each fake refugee.

What I would say to these lawyers is "Already addressed" and then press the great big Ignore button on them, which will put them in prison for 10 years each.

What I've not already addressed though is the effect it is having on seaside towns. Take a look at Katie's Skegness video Notch. Five Hotels have been commandeered by the Government - that's five fewer hotels available to the tourist industry, the lifeblood of places like Skeggy. And would anybody (except you) want to go on holiday to a town full of fake refugees?

The real evil in all of this - the true gangmasters - are the immigration lawyers. It is they who are taking millions off the taxpayer for their never ending appeals for each fake refugee.

What I would say to these lawyers is "Already addressed" and then press the great big Ignore button on them, which will put them in prison for 10 years each.

Have you ever met an asylum seeker Andy?
Do you know any foreigners Andy?

Living just a few doors down from me is. Sikh chap - I’ve often stopped to have a chat. Would you do the same?
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Have you ever met an asylum seeker Andy?
Do you know any foreigners Andy?
Already addressed.

Living just a few doors down from me is. Sikh chap - I’ve often stopped to have a chat. Would you do the same?
I'm too busy working to swan about virtue signalling. Someone has to pay for all this.
If someone asked me to explain Rwanda i would give it one word , Genocide , and this Country has offered £150 million to take in immigrants that came to this country . such is life .
Have you ever met an asylum seeker Andy?
Do you know any foreigners Andy?

Living just a few doors down from me is. Sikh chap - I’ve often stopped to have a chat. Would you do the same?
I don't believe that you have the capacity to ever understand just how offensive this incredibly racist post of yours is.

What I've not already addressed though is the effect it is having on seaside towns. Take a look at Katie's Skegness video Notch. Five Hotels have been commandeered by the Government - that's five fewer hotels available to the tourist industry, the lifeblood of places like Skeggy. And would anybody (except you) want to go on holiday to a town full of fake refugees?

What I would say to these lawyers is "Already addressed" and then press the great big Ignore button on them, which will put them in prison for 10 years each.

I'm sure they'd would be delighted to find hordes of holidaymakers flock to their hotels this xmas...but who goes to Skeggy at this time of year?
So they extend the time each time they move about in the EU. What this person has done is probably why they have been selected for Rwanda,

You arrive in Greece, claim asylum (as this person did). Get granted refugee status and issued with ID. You are then free to move about the EU (subject to Schengen zone time limits as non-EU citizen), this individual went to Germany and tried to get refugee status again. He also broke Schengen visa rules as he exceeded the 90 days. He didn't wait to get his application determined and then went to France, before illegally entering the UK. He tried to argue (once scheduled for deportation to Rwanda), that Greece is not a safe county. I say "He", he didn't do any of this, it was his tax payer funded legal team who went grasping at straws.
My phrasing was poor. Every single attempt to send a person to Rwanda was rejected. The supporting arguments for each of them were rejected.
Thats not what happened. The problem appears to be once you are scheduled for removal, you have very little time to mount a defence/appeal. Thus most of those who did, had their appeals rejected as being out of time. Those have been quashed now and the HS must reconsider the cases.

It not really accurate to say the supporting arguments were rejected, if the appeals were not heard as being out of time.

You arrive in Greece, claim asylum (as this person did). Get granted refugee status and issued with ID. You are then free to move about the EU (subject to Schengen zone time limits as non-EU citizen), this individual went to Germany and tried to get refugee status again. He also broke Schengen visa rules as he exceeded the 90 days. He didn't wait to get his application determined and then went to France, before illegally entering the UK. He tried to argue (once scheduled for deportation to Rwanda), that Greece is not a safe county. I say "He", he didn't do any of this, it was his tax payer funded legal team who went grasping at straws.

what is the definition of a "safe country", in these circumstances?

Is it based on the FCO advice, where they sometimes advise no travel to?
It is they who are taking millions off the taxpayer for their never ending appeals for each fake refugee.
And the judge may decide that they are not fake, This whole area is down to the legal system.. In fact rather a lot of the problems in this area have a legal aspect. Innocent until proven guilty and a right to appeal. if high rates of appeals are successul the original decision making must be dubious. It can get to 40 odd %. Initial acceptance is ~44%. appeals lift that to 55%. This pre covid. Covid seems to have dropped arrival numbers then they increased again.

The background problem is this - finally something is being done about it but even that isn't straight forwards as clearing the back log next year is not all in limbo. It's about 90k of them if the home office meets it's target.

The cost of that against keeping it at 87%. Pass I haven't a clue.

This has been going on for years with more arriving in some. Acceptance is never 100% so I assume rejects have been handled????
I'm too busy working to swan about virtue signalling
You think chatting to a neighbour when out walking the dog is “virtue signalling”…..

So Andy, you don’t know and foreigners, you don’t talk you any foreigners, you just hate them.

Maybe you should join a voluntary group that helps asylum seekers, it would be good for you.
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