More sick news

10 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
I find this story particularly vile, you may have read it in the paper?

Abuse of kids must be the worst of all social ills and this news item brought back all those warped cases from Germany (eating your live lover and keeping a young girl kidnapped in a cellar for years).
Hope all the prison inmates bend him over for some up-hill-gardening.

We all have sexual fantasies, but come on!!!
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Why do you want to read about it if it is so vile? Like watching the aftermath of car crashes too?
Why do you want to read about it if it is so vile? Like watching the aftermath of car crashes too?

Surely a balanced mind comes with reading all news good and bad, not being selective. Thanks for joining in the discussion joe-90.
I would say that wanting to read about a car accident is something quite different indeed, but both bad news!
You don't agree with it do you??
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I'm the same as Joe and will not read bad news in case it upsets me.

Hope the ******** gets whats coming to him though. :evil:
Joe is far too concerned with major issues like oil shortages, immigration and speeding motorists to waste his valuable time reading about trivial matters such as systematic child abuse :rolleyes:

At least we know now Joe and can safely ignore your uninformed view on any other subject.

Wow, I am REALLY amazed at the response to a news item on TV. Over 70+ views and three responses.
Maybe I am more well equipped emotionally (can deal with bad news) than most?? :eek:
Maybe I should have had a rant about serious subjects like the cost of petrol or immigrants moving in....something that affects people financially??

JESUS, I have learnt alot about the people that use this forum. It would suggest that the " its nothing to do with me", look the other way attitude prevails here!

Very,very sad.
Don't tar us all with the Joe-90 brush Mike as we do care about serious issues here in the main.
Wow, I am REALLY amazed at the response to a news item on TV. Over 70+ views and three responses.
Maybe I am more well equipped emotionally (can deal with bad news) than most?? :eek:
Maybe I should have had a rant about serious subjects like the cost of petrol or immigrants moving in....something that affects people financially??
JESUS, I have learnt alot about the people that use this forum. It would suggest that the " its nothing to do with me", look the other way attitude prevails here!

Very,very sad.

Perhaps because it is still breaking news? I am not one for taking a head-in-the-sand approach but why rush to judgement so early? You can rely on the tabloids to do that? The more informed comments will come in time, hopefully.
No, you're right. 5'6" ceiling height :eek: and the width of that corridor, criminal.

yes it's awful BTW
Wow, I am REALLY amazed at the response to a news item on TV. Over 70+ views and three responses.
Maybe I am more well equipped emotionally (can deal with bad news) than most?? :eek:
Maybe I should have had a rant about serious subjects like the cost of petrol or immigrants moving in....something that affects people financially??

JESUS, I have learnt alot about the people that use this forum. It would suggest that the " its nothing to do with me", look the other way attitude prevails here!

Very,very sad.

I think you are wrong, the story is so horrendous, what is there to say or discuss. To discuss you have to be interested in the whys, whats and ifs of a situation. A bit like 911 or lockerby - disasters caused by maniacs that are beyond belief or human comprehension.
all those warped cases from Germany (eating your live lover and keeping a young girl kidnapped in a cellar for years).

Remember the one about the guy who found a person willing to have his penis severed? He (the victim) watched his companion cook and eat it before dying of blood loss. Strange.

Or this one, trawled from the interwebby...

P*ssing is always enjoyable. And nothing is more fun than doing it outdoors. But when you urinate into a body of water, be careful: A reservoir or swimming pool can be relatively safe, but the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea can be quite risky. Two men who were peeing in the river got their penises chomped off—and both bled to death. The chief suspect: a piranhalike river fish that follows a stream of p*s back to its source, then applies its razor-sharp teeth to the most precious of parts. But this fish is not the only one with a taste for golden cider: A 23-year-old man was standing in the Amazon River taking a leak when suddenly a tiny candiru fish took the bait and followed the urine stream straight into the man’s urethra. According to the report filed by Anoar Samad, the attending urogenital surgeon, the victim “reported trying to grab hold of the fish, but it was very slippery and forced its way inside with alarming speed.” The fish kept going until it got to the base of the p3n15 and tried to eat its way out, creating a hole in the 5cr0tum. Four days after the initial encounter, the man finally went to the hospital with fever, intense pain, swelling of the scrotum and extreme abdominal distension. Using an endoscope and tiny alligator clips, doctors pulled out the dead fish.
These are just folk legends - they aren't true.
the urethra fish is true

it is a parasitic fish that normally lives in the gills of larger fish.
And a penectomy it seems is the only method of removing the parasite once inside. :(
Seemly if you caught it by the tail whilst entering , the head it will flare into a spiked shaped umbrella.

I don't know about anyone else but if I had him caught by the tail I wouldn't be letting go.
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