your going home

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
who should decide if a person should be sent back to there own country to face criminal charge's, the home office or courts, or should we care
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We shouldn't care. We are all part of Europe now so you can't send anybody anywhere.
The Courts after properly considering all the evidence AND fully considering the evidence regarding the risk to the individual.

To leave it to The Home Office/Justice Department would risk politicians using it for their own ends. For example, the cronyism between The US and the current government would mean that any extradition request from The US would be granted as a matter of course instead of the evidence being properly 'tested' in Court before extradition was granted/refused.

A major issue here, however, is political asylum. Even if the Courts fined sufficient evidence regarding the charges, they decline to send someone back to their place of origin to face trial if they are likely to suffer torture/death in their own country. Fair enough you can argue BUT what if the offence is one which carries the death penalty in that country??

So, basically, Mr X is wanted by his own country on, say, terrorism charges which, if found guilty, carries the death penalty in that country. The Courts here decide there is proper evidence to try him over there but they WON'T return him as he could face torture or death.

If he was found guilty then he would face the death penalty anyway. Seems a bit of a moot point to then refuse extradition as his life may be at risk.....

IMHO anyway...
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if they pose a danger to this country and get covicted of a a crime hear should they forfeit the rigth to stay, or should they be able to rob, rape ,
and murder, but still be allowed to stay after there prison term ends :evil:
Let them all stay, the country's f***** anyway.
the country is not fu##ed but some people in are and i would like to wish them a fond farewell :LOL: and those of us who are hear for the duration will get it sorted :) bye joe
We are part of Europe - that is where the bulk of people come from. You can't send them home. Not now - not ever. You gotta live with em kid, like it or not.
thats the thing joe what about the other four continents can we not send them back, like the teddy bear teacher got sent back hear,for her crime :eek:
They can be deported after all the appeals have been heard, but it's cheaper to forget about them and leave them here. It'll all end in tears one way or another.
But he's innocent until proven guilty - and you can't deport someone for trial who is innocent. Besides, who would investigate the crime?
looks like we may at long last be saying good bye to the one eyed hook hand hate monger . Geroge w is looking forward to welcoming him to the good old U.S OF A.:LOL: :LOL: bye bye hooky
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