What recession?

...... Thatcher was a conviction politician. She had a set of principles and she stuck to them, and when she said something you knew it was the truth, unlike brown and blair, two of the biggest liars in uk political history. She said she was going to break the unions, and thats exactly what she did. She said we were going to retake the falklands, and thats what she did. And she said she was going to expand house ownership, and thats exactly what she did. No spin, no lies, no BS. The last honest politician we had.

She also did more than any single person to dismantle the fabric of society as we knew it in this country. I for one will be delighted when she dies and I'm thinking of organising a street party to mark the event.

Her true legacy is a generation of log-theiving reactionary thinkers who will cheerfully stamp on the fingers of anyone less fortunate than themselves if it advances their comfortable lifestyles.

I'm sad to say that I've found these attitudes all too prevalent in the run-up to the election and this thread is the final straw.

This isn't a place I want to be so I'm off - bye-bye.

PS. If anyone wants to know the answer to the film quiz it's "Stalker", Andrei Tarkovsky's 1979 classic.
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don't let them wear you down, cmother...see tripe, ignore tripe.
Hes the idiot in the middle that doesnt look like hes done a days hard work in his life...

Ruth kelly has just bought herself a £2 million house so that she can get her kids into a top private school.
how can she get a mortgage given the nature of her job?

She is also a member of Opus Die, she has to wear a garter with a spike in it to pierce her thigh, something to do with jesus's crown of thorns i think,
I think you mean Opus Dei, but the typo is amusingly prophetic ;)
What is it about roman catholics And kinky rituals :LOL:
I've never noticed this to be the case. :LOL: :LOL:
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