Installing a swimming pool!

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Wish I had a pound for every pack of those I lugged up several flights of stairs, thinking about it I probably did
Right, moved the pool to a more level bit of lawn, and seems much better. Still a bit of a slope, but might have to do for now...

Do you think it looks OK?

WEll, i thought it was levelish, filled it, out by a mile.

Now emptying. Then need to level it!

What is best way to level:
  • Dig out until level - and possibly remove a large root just under the grass...
  • Dig out as much as possible, then put edging around the area for the pond, and fill with sand - I have a square groundsheet so could level to this size
  • Something else.
Want it done soon. Don't really want to put down anything too long lasting, as in a few years it will be back to lawn probably (or some odd round dead feature...)

Need to get a bigger level too.
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We have an Intex 3m x 2m pool. We had an area where we put a swing set that was dug out a little. When we got the pool, we threw a load of sand down, levelled it as best we could, then put a tarp under. That lasted a few years (the sun eventually got to it) so this year we bought a new tarp.
We fill it using some hot from our new (ish) combi boiler, but don't have anything to warm the water. We considered a heater pump, but they were around £300....

Finished installing today. Had to dig a tonne of earth out, then discovered an old tarmac path under the final 3 slabs. Removed turf, put down weed killer, then weed barrier, then 12 bags of sand, then another weed barrier, then the blue tarp that came with it. Just started filling it.






Pretty level. Just need to set up the pump and heater, work out how much chlorine to add, and build a little house for the electrics, in case of unexpected shower.
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He's made of tougher stuff than me. Says it's warm. Thermometer days 23 degrees.

Had lots of fun with the pool, was going to keep it running til bank holiday weekend, but the filter stopped working and pool already looking a bit green.
So draining.

Anybody had experience with Bestway warranty claims?
You have to change the filter inside regularly. If you don't it can become clogged and slow the flow through to virtually nothing. It's looking green because you haven't been maintaining the chemical balance correctly.
Chlorine level should be between 3 and 5ppm and the PH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6, (though some people say 7.8 is the upper limit it is safer to stay within 7.6).
You can test the levels using test strips or coloured dyes.
Have you added any chlorine granules at all during it's use?
I had been cleaning and changing the filter, the pump was working, but it started just cutting out completely Water was crystal clear from June til this week, I had been adding chlorine daily until the last week when the kids stopped using it. Last Sunday was the last big day in the pool, the kids had some friends over. That was fun. But the pump is def buggered.
A couple of mates have their own pools, and they have said that a rookie error when first getting the pool is, when first getting a pool and having the levels fluctuate wildly, to keep draining and refilling.
They reckon you should let the water stabilise, stay calm, and keep the faith.....
Yeah, only filled it once. As I said, it was perfect all summer, til the filter packed up. Now it is raining and I am trying to empty it!
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