Changing bathroom fan

18 Oct 2009
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United Kingdom

I want to change my existing low voltage bathroom fan my question is do I have to replace the transformer? or are they interchangeable with different manufactures? I am thinking of either getting an Air Flow one or this Swift Air one on ebay
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The transformer is unique to the fan. For example, the Manrose one is not just a transformer but a timer device too. Some manufacturers like Manrose have only two wires between the fan and the control unit, others require 3.
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If the manufacturer says it is suitable for zone 1 or 2 then it is fine.

Do you perhaps have an electric shower - where is it??
If the manufacturer says it is suitable for zone 1 or 2 then it is fine.

Do you perhaps have an electric shower - where is it??

No it's a thermostatic mixer type shower on the other wall. I think i will just replace the fan like for like will be easier.

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