Search results

  1. S

    Driveway materials and quantities

    I am in the process of building a budget driveway - we're having an extension on the front built later in the year which will affect the driveway, so as I said, this is temporary, being forced by the purchase of an EV and the council saying I cant charge it across the pavement. The driveway will...
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    Wireless network solution

    Picture below. Wondering if anybody here can help with this. At the moment I have a newish sky router on an old copper line. It is in an unfortunate position on the hallway windowsill in the front corner of the house, where the master socket is. Reception is poor in both large bedrooms and the...
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    Wages overpayment

    My manager sat me down today. He's had an email from HR regarding my pay. Between September 2020 and August 2021 I was overpaid £620. They're now after claiming this back from me, and my manager is arranging a face to face meeting with HR for me. I'm an apprentice. The time period above...
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    Insulating external walls

    My house is 50s built with cavity walls. It has cwi already, it's the soft brittle foam stuff that turns to powder when you touch it (there were two massive bergs of the stuff in the loft when we bought the house). Anyway, I recently did a job for somebody local in a similar house and they'd...
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    Setting up properly as sole trader

    I've been doing handyman jobs for a few years now. Little bits here and there alongside a full time job, then later an apprenticeship. I've managed to stay under any tax threshold, only doing odd little £20-50 jobs. I have liability insurance, but no other aspects of business setup. I recently...
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    Bath tap replacement

    I'm replacing Bath taps for a friend. Should be a straight swap as the new tap is pretty much identical to the old one. But what tools will I need? I don't mind buying basic plumbing tools. The taps are against a wall, side access from the bath panel only. I'm guessing I'll need some kind of box...
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    Solar integrated roof

    Our house needs a new roof. Currently rosemary tiles. But would like large format grey tiles (name?) two other houses in our street have done this. Would like to integrate solar panels into the south facing side of the roof. Next door has the entire roof covered but theirs are on rails, in the...
  8. S

    Shed base

    Hi guys. I'm building a shed measuring 13ft x 8ft (I know 12ft would be better for timber sizes but I am building as big as I can in the space the missus has allocated). Today I've dug down 150mm ish to the depth I want my concrete. See pictures. The corner of the shed will be in front of the...
  9. S

    Toilet issue

    My toilet, at the ripe young age of 6 years old, has started letting water through the cistern. It only happens on some flushes. Doesn't matter if its a half flush or full flush. It's an ideal standard toilet. I've attached pictures of it's innards. So here are the two flush modes. 1. Push the...
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    Registering as business

    For a few years now I've been operating in my local area as a Handyman. My sole form of picking up business has been a Facebook page which I occasionally share in local groups. The only thing I have registered for my business is public liability insurance. I'm not registered with anybody else...
  11. S

    Flush mechanism problem

    We're having a spot of bother with our bog. Water is trickling into the pan. It doesn't do this every time it's flushed, but what I've noticed is if the flush mechanism cuts off with a thud after flushing, it doesn't trickle. If there's no thud, it does trickle. Does this valve have any kind...
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    Hi, a few months ago a tile fell off our roof (well the exposed bit did, it broke in half). The same happened yesterday morning. Pieces of mortar have also come out from the ridge tiles. I'm well aware the roof is 70 years old and coming due for remedial works or replacement, though no leaks are...
  13. S

    Concrete rebar

    How much rebar does suspended concrete need? I'm building a pizza oven platform. It has double brick walls supporting it on 3 sides in a U shape. I've built formwork so that the concrete will be in contact with the top of the brick walls and the formwork will break away from the bottom and...
  14. S

    Garden plans

    For a few years now we have wanted to make progress on our garden, and all we have accomplished so far is digging a pond (which wasnt part of the original plan!). We now have some spare money so want to make a start. Here are some pictures. The back of the garden is at an angle of approx 75...
  15. S

    Extension on a budget

    A couple of years ago we had plans drawn up for a full width single storey 6.5x2.4m extension with vaulted ceiling, 3 sky lights, and full knock through into existing full width kitchen. Quotes came back as high as £40k (may have included kitchen). This was under permitted development. We...
  16. S

    Beko washer heating element

    I've got a beko washer that works perfectly. It's given us 7 years of fault free service so far. Except the heating element. We haven't had one last more than about 3 months at a guess. It's a guess because the washer has never told us in any way that the element has blown. It's never tripped an...
  17. S

    Wood lined tanks? Elson tanks?

    Two houses I've been into recently to do EICRs have had immersion heaters fitted into an old insulation-and-wood clad square water tank. Both houses had back boilers. What are these tanks called and how do they work? Why did they fit these instead of cylinders? Just curious! Cheers.
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    Dust Mask fit testing day

    As part of the induction for my new job as apprentice electrician I have to attend the above. I wanted to know what to expect so searched on YouTube and came across this: Is this what I'm to expect? I know they take health and safety seriously but I really didn't think it would be so...
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    Apprentice tools

    Evening chaps. Those of you who are long time posters on this forum will know I went down the wrong path out of school and ended up in a career that wasn't for me, and now at the age of 33 with two kids and an upcoming wedding, no savings and a ton of debt I'm putting it right by doing an...
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    How to stop drains gurgling

    I may have pooped up my drainage plumbing. When my bathroom was fitted 3 years ago the basin and bath drains went out into a downpipe with a gulley at the top. I altered this so they now join together outside and go into the soil stack via a strap on. This was done because the drain this went...