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  1. R

    Favorite Movie

    I would like to start a theme on the light hearted subject of 'My Favorite Movie'. My favorite movie is Singin' in the Rain made in 1952 with Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds. I saw it first when I was a child when my father took me to the cinema. In those days it...
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    Tory leader Michael Howard has called for a greater effort to promote a sense of "British identity" among immigrant communities. He said the "complacency" over the UK's record in integrating other communities into British society has been "shattered" by the London bombings. Quote : "We...
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    France Backs China on Taiwan

    There has been much talk on the forums regarding China flexing its muscles with possible threats to its neighbours . However , it now looks as if France has a self interest in supplying China with arms. 21.04.05 During a state visit to China, French Premier Raffarin threw support...
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    Failed Asylum seekers cost tax payer £300 million last year

    The taxpayer picked up a bill of more than £300 million last year to support failed asylum seekers who should have been removed from the country, spending watchdogs report today. The National Audit Office says most of this sum was spent looking after an estimated 18,500 families with...
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    Bush - v - Darwin

    George Bush is at it again now challenging Darwin's Theory of Evolution. What will this man not stick his nose into ? 9th August, 2005 President George Bush has started a national debate in the US over the teaching of evolution in school. The president has suggested that a theory...
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    Islamonazism the real danger ?

    Islamonazism and Islamofascism are terms used to describe the use of Nazi and/or fascist terminology, beliefs and propaganda by Islamic religious and political leaders, generally manifesting itself in calls for the destruction of the state of Israel and the genocide of its citizens and...
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    Phobias and Fears

    We all have phobias and fears and I admit that I did not think I had any until about 10 Years ago when my family and I had a holiday in Cyprus. We stayed, that is my wife, son, daughter’s boyfriend and I in a small house near Paphos. It had a patio with a swimming pool. We all settled...
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    Do we know who is in our country or when we do and give them asylum they take all the benefits and on top of that steal from us. The article is Cashpoint money stolen by illegal immigrants Aug 5 2005 A GANG of illegal immigrants stole up to £200,000 from cashpoint machines using...
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    Punch and Judy ban on Bin Laden

    A Punch and Judy man has been banned from using Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden puppets in his Kent seaside show. Link : It this political correctness going to the limit. Well if you preach death and destruction like Omar...
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    Former minister Robin Cook dies

    Former Cabinet minister Robin Cook, 59, has died after collapsing while hill walking in north-west Scotland. Link : One of the few politicians of today who stood by his principles and had the integrity to resign his position instead of being one...
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    Polygamy no fun, admits Ethiopian

    An Ethiopian man with 11 wives and 77 children is urging people not to follow his example and is giving advice on family planning and contraception. After seeing his fortune disappear under the competing demands of his enormous family, Ayattu Nure, 56, even urges people not to get married...
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    Conscription to the Armed Services

    In relation to the horrific terrorist attacks in London and the present 'Yob' culture effecting decent people whose only wish is a quiet and normal life it may be time to consider bring back conscription to the armed services for those reaching 18 years of age. A period of 18 months being...
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    Baxi Bermuda Help

    I have had Baxi Bermuda back boiler with fire in livingroom for past 15 years. Maintained by Gas Board. During that time no major problems except for new pump. On friday, 1 July British Gas Board carried out annual service. Engineer found that flue was faulty showing on occasions some...