
  1. O

    Side extension - Boundary dispute -Party Wall Act?

    Hi, My neighbour is unhappy with my idea of building a side extension up until the boundary. He said he won't be able to unscrew his fence for future maintenance/repairs, and he's also complaining that his wife is ill etc. (noise concerns, I think) I approached him in a very friendly way, I...
  2. M

    Seeking Advice: Neighbor's Extension and Party Wall Concerns

    Hi All, I was wondering if you could help me with a challenging situation. Basically, my neighbor is applying for planning permission for a single-storey extension. Before my neighbor moved into his property, he purchased it knowing the current structure, which includes my external wall being...
  3. B

    New build garages , overhanging drain pipes

    Why do new build developers build garage walls right on the property boundary line so that the gutter and drain pipes over hang onto the neighbours property? Assume they’re all compliant with building regs but does it not cause issues if any maintenance needs doing to the wall, gutter or drains...
  4. C

    Boundaries and height limits

    As I understand it, if you build a shed or similar structure in your garden, you are allowed to go no more than 2.5m high if it is within 1 M of your boundary. If it is more than 2.5M then it has to be at least 2M from the boundary. Is this correct so far? We are looking at installing one of...
  5. B

    Party fences

    Hi all, I share a boundary fence on my front drive with a neighbour, the fence was built by the previous owner of my property and I’ve been maintaining it but it has rotted beyond repair. I intend to replace it at my own expense as I know my neighbour will not contribute anything towards it ...
  6. R

    Access to next door gas meter

    Recently moved. We are a detached house and have a side passage back to the previously built extension to the boundary. There was a free standing polycarbonate roof over this passage but no side wall/fence. Due to this you can just step around our gate and access the space, so it is totally un...
  7. R

    Footings, concrete and boundaries

    Hi all. We’ve started a single story kitchen extension this week. Footings have been dug, approved by BC and filled with concrete. We have a shared boundary which runs down the garden. My adjoining neighbour (who we’ve had issues with about the whole project) has a 3m extension which is built...
  8. B

    terraced house rear extension - boundaries and foundations

    hi all, I have several questions regarding a simple rear extension on a terraced house and I was wondering if anyone here can help with some knowledge. we'd like to know exactly how things work before we start spending money on approvals (restrictive covenants) and drawings. 1. my house is a...
  9. S

    Back Garden Boudary

    I'm wanting to attach a fence to the wall that divides my and my neighbour's back garden as it is a low wall and I want privacy for my family. Do you know the law? If she says no then can we still do it? I don't know who owns it in the deeds but she is saying that she is the owner. Let me know...
  10. K

    Demolishing 1 of 2 detached garages

    Hello, I've recently moved in to a property and I am planning on replacing my garage with an extension. My garage is linked to my house but detached from my neighbours. My neighbours garage is completely detached. However, the two garages are very close to one another. They both have pitched...
  11. CatherineT1992

    Neighbour crossing boundary!

    Hi everyone! Just after some advice. My neighbour has a lean to that is supported by and crosses my fence area! Prior to the pandemic, I have approached him and asked him nicely to remove it, I have explained that the runoff from the side of the house in particularly wet weather is leaving...
  12. L

    Old brick shed close to boundary into office?

    Hi we have a brick shed approximately 12 square metres at the bottom of our garden - it was there when we moved in 11 years ago. It's very close to the back fence boundary - much less than a metre. It's in quite good condition and we would like to adapt it to make a home office and gym. To do...
  13. M

    Another ... retaining wall

    Hi. Looking for some advice please. Some of my boundary fence posts have rotted and need replacing. The issue is that there’s a difference in height of about 50-60cm between my ground and my neighbour’s ground. The original “retaining wall” from when the house was built (in 2004) consisted of a...
  14. T

    Trench foundation at boundary? Cavity wall position

    I’m building a rear extension on my end of terrace bungalow, my Architect has specified a 600mm x 1000mm concrete foundation. At the adjoining boundary to next door we have a concrete post fence, the 150mm “toe” of foundation on that side of the 300mm cavity wall will need to go slightly past...
  15. T

    Trench foundation at boundary? Cavity wall position

    I’m building a rear extension on my end of terrace bungalow, my Architect has specified a 600mm x 1000mm concrete foundation. At the adjoining boundary to next door we have a concrete post fence, the 150mm of foundation on that side of the 300mm cavity wall will need to go slightly past the...
  16. C

    Rear extension encroaching foundations

    Hi all, My first time posting on here so thanks in advance for any help! I am planning (and have permission for) a single storey, 4 metre depth extension on my end of terrace 1930s house. Our neighbours already have a 3 metre single storey extension and we have dug a trial pit to discover...
  17. M

    Garden Property Boundary Registration & Fencing

    Good Evening, Was hoping you could help me please, I have been a homeowner of my property for 25 years, Mortgage paid off and I have my title deeds ownership of the home. We had a back garden extension built 7 years ago, though, before this, we had a wall and wire fencing which partitioned both...
  18. O

    Fences and boundaries

    Hi, Chapter 1 - The Fence and the Boundary When we bought our place we were left a note by the previous owner to let us know that they believed that it was our responsibility to look after the fence on the LEFT of the house. However, several years ago, the neighbour on the left removed the...
  19. cwhaley

    Building fence on neighbour boundary

    I had my driveway re-laid in March 2017 and in doing so, decided not to have a fence between the neighbour and us. I now regret this choice as the front often feels like a shared driveway and visitors often just walk across our front -- a recent one traipsing plaster dust footprints everywhere...
  20. F

    Neighbour Boundary Issue

    Hi, I have searched far and wide for an answer to this but can't seem to find one, so am looking for a little bit of advice. We have owned our house for approximately 2 years, it is an end terrace. When we moved in the front door was on the side of the house. We have recently restored it...