1 in 3 households include a dog.


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
According to several sources, 33% of British households include a dog. There are around 13 million dogs in the UK.

This means, on average, if you don't own a dog, you'll live next to one.

Seems a helluva lot of people love dogs and own dogs, a great many more than I would have guessed. But then, of 9 houses on my row, 5 have at least one dog, and 2 have 2 dogs.

Unsurprisingly, Londoners have the fewest dogs, with just 9% homes with a dog. The northeast has the most dogs. The southwest has the most cats.

Here's the most lovable doggie in the world



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That's great. Thankfully the dog with an incredibly loud bark moved out from the house next door some years ago. Some owners don't get that you don't want to hear Fido exercising his lungs at all hours. I wouldn't want to live next to a dog owner again. I realise it's the owners who are the problem. Luckily the only dogs I hear now are way off in the distance. I pity their neighbours, because the dogs seem to be turned out all hours to bark incessantly for long periods.
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According to several sources, 33% of British households include a dog. There are around 13 million dogs in the UK.

This means, on average, if you don't own a dog, you'll live next to one.

Seems a helluva lot of people love dogs and own dogs, great more than i works have guessed. But then, of 9 houses on my row, 5 have at least one dog, and 2 have 2 dogs.

Unsurprisingly, Londoners have the fewest dogs, with just 9% homes with a dog. The northeast had three most dogs. The southwest had the most cats.

Here's the most lovable doggie in the world

View attachment 269406



Is that your dog? What breed? So cute!
According to several sources, 33% of British households include a dog.

33%. I'm sure I read that the other day too but the figure I saw was based on 2019 pre-lockdown figures and I know that plenty of people bought 'lockdown puppies'. There has been a marked increase in professional dog walkers where I walk my dog since people started returning to work.

The neighbour to my left has a dog, next door to them has two. The neighbour to my right used to have a dog, then there's a dog free household and then there's another with a dog so the percentage near to me is more than the average. Mind you, the one next door to me is a yapper!

Cocker Spaniels being hypnotised by a sausage. Look into my eyes.......

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I don't believe 33% of households own a dog, I'd bet it's much lower than that. There are far fewer dogs than there used to be, and you see fewer different breeds also. When was the last time you saw an Afghan hound, a red setter, a beagle, a foxhound or an Irish wolfhound? These used to be common.

There is a lot of anti-dog feeling around nowadays. Dogs used to wander freely all over the place when I was little, that's been clamped down on. Vicious breeds of dog make the news giving all dogs a bad name. The type of immigrants we have to put up with come from a culture that hates or fears dogs.
Afghan hound, a red setter, a beagle, a foxhound or an Irish wolfhound?
I’ve not seen an Afghan for years

On my dog walk I do see a beagle and a red setter everyday though.

The type of immigrants we have to put up with
Oh dear Andy…….even on a thread about dogs, you are an old misery, aren’t you. Did you get dumped by a pretty immigrant, is that why you are so bitter. :mrgreen: Come on, what was her name, you can tell us…was it Aakifah?
23 houses in my street there is 3 dogs and 2 of those in same house
23 houses in my street there is 3 dogs and 2 of those in same house

do you live in a more urban area? 3/23, 13% - that is still higher than the London %
Well something like 60% of households have a pussy...

Well, something like that
23 houses in my street there is 3 dogs and 2 of those in same house

Hardly a dog around where we live, 2% is about it.

Thinking about it - when i visited coiucil estates related to my work, the ration of 25% may have been accurate but down private roads, - 10% would be pushing dog owner figures.
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