A movie

whoa, hang on, Debs just told Tiffany "You're going down!" She can't mea?... :LOL:
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Food is getting involved....filthy Debs is straddling Boobs...now we're getting somewhere...
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Holy Crap! Mega Python just ate Mickey Dolenz!! Oh well, he was only the drummer anyway, wasn't he?
Oh yes. We have Mega Pythons. We have Gatoroids. The ladies are still wrestling. All is well.
Tiffany just said, "There doesn't seem to be anyone around" Nice one...
Oh, that was in response to Dirty Debs saying, "I think...we're alone now..." Cracking :p
Oh my god, the beasts are attacking the town! Mega Python just swallowed a moving train! And why is it suddenly daylight? It was the dead of night a minute ago!!?
Some geriatric policewoman just killed Gatoroid with a revolver! But then Mega Python ate her!! Bye, Old Woman!! Boobs is very upset by this....
‎"What are we going to do?" Tiff asks Debs...Get new agents?
Debs and Boobs are in a plane. Not sure why. I think they have a plan
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