A not so secret meeting...

Strange how the msm don't report what's going on in Ireland with the gusto they reserve for the topics they want to push.
Pre-Brexit - harmony throughout the UK.

Post Brexit - NI shítshambles.

Hmm, what changed? Does it begin with B? :rolleyes:
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I was talking Ireland not northern Ireland expected that to be understood.
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you should try saying what you mean instead of hoping people will guess.
RWR bulshítters tactic. Leave the gist of the post vague and open ended then claim the opposite when rational people pull the post to bits.
you should try saying what you mean instead of hoping people will guess.
It's looking that way, perhaps 10 page essays are the way to go.
In the grand scheme of things it's all a bit of irrelevance as this forums utterings aren't going to change the world, they're more of bellweather of how people interpretate through their own experience that make for interest.
It's looking that way, perhaps 10 page essays are the way to go.
I'm going to tell lies today.

I'm NOT going to tell lies today.

Just one word will usually do boyo (see above as an example). It can make all the difference, especially to a bullshítter like you.
You having a laugh the WEF puppet, he's trying to give northern Ireland away to foreign rule as we speak. Much like you who ' love' this country but want to give over rule to the eu, your in good company the ira freedom fighters are another lot coming to terms with giving their country away.
Comprehension eh.
Northern Ireland is not Ireland do you not understand that?
The ira wanted a United Ireland geddit and are now being ruled from Brussels.
and are now being ruled from Brussels

yes it’s terrible how Northern Ireland are benefitting greatly from being inside the worlds biggest single Market.

No wonder Northern Ireland is attracting more foreign investment than any other UK region

Brussels doesn’t rule anywhere, it creates regulatory alignment for everybody’s benefit.
yes it’s terrible how Northern Ireland are benefitting greatly from being inside the worlds biggest single Market.

No wonder Northern Ireland is attracting more foreign investment than any other UK region

Brussels doesn’t rule anywhere, it creates regulatory alignment for everybody’s benefit.
Tories didn't want a level playing field but a tax-free zone for them to make more money than anyone else and keep the profits among themselves.
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