Additional storage heater advice

11 Aug 2009
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone, I have storage heaters from the 90s and they work OK, but I don't think they are optimally positioned
I have a flat with bay window - lounge through to dining room - kitchen, and a storage heater in the dining room
The living room tends to be cool, especially near the bay window. I have a supply there, and some flats in the block of the same design have an additional storage heater there. The supply is a 2.5mm2 cable with its own 16A MCB with a double socket on it now, but that can be changed for a 20A DP switch

I am planning to put a modern HHR lot 20 storage heater there:
Should I expect any problems with the space already having a storage heater?
If, in the future, I replaced the one in the dining room with the same model, do they have to be linked somehow to share the load?
Can anyone recommend any HHR storage heaters?

Thanks, Brian
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Are you on a cheap night rate tariff for your storage heaters, if not what about just getting a thermostatically controlled electric panel heater.

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