Advice needed please

22 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom
Hi all, where to begin i live in a block of 4 flats 3 are council and mine which i bought, the flat below me has had there heating replaced with a combi system, there are 2 big CWS tanks in my loft joined by a 28mm pipe at the bottom, one of the pipes feeds my hot water cylinder then went down to the flat below, this is where i have the concern the pipe has been cut of at high level in the flat below and capped i worried about the dead water in the pipe becoming stagent and getting into my domectic cylinder, can anybody please advise me as to there expert opion, lasty since there have moved the boiler fron there living room to the kitchen thay have run a 22mm gas from the meter around my front door to get to the boiler, it looks tereible, can they do this i know its not my wall but i hate it and is there any regulations that state that copper tube can be used on an outside wall open to all who walk by
thanks for any advice
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Its called a deadleg and not correct but often done.

If a Council job then complain in writing to the EHO and bother them until they do it properly. You will not die if its not done.

The gas pipe is allowed and may look unsightly to a private owner but I doubt there is much you can do unless there is an alternate routing available OR the appearance is so bad that you could claim that it has devalued your property and was therefore "unreasonable" to have been done in that way.

If you are argumentative and prepared to put considerable money into it employing solicitors then you might have a reasonable chance of success in getting it moved but merely bleeting is unlikely to have much effect.

My mother always used to complain about the telephone pole outside her house. My father once told me to drive carefully and then promptly reversed his car into the pole!

as long as your cylinder heats up to 60 deg C any cantaminents will be killed off before coming out the hot tap.
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If it's on your mind, confirm with the neighbour that it has been cut, then turn your water off, then cut off the deadleg and connect accordingly.

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