6 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom
I stumbled across a report by PETA and saw a few video clips taken by a secret camera by members of the PETA, you could visit their website to support for their good cause in educating various Governments to curb absolute animal cruelty (Please Google PETA)

In India cows are driven to bordering bangladesh and other areas where cows are treated sacred and so cannot be killed but they are taken to other nearby countries and treated so badly all for West's demand for leather. Remember next time you wear leather shoes or before you buy any!

In China 2 million cats and thousands of Dogs are killed mercilessly, some skinned Alive for their furs. I saw a dog still fighting for life after it was skinned from head to tail! (Warning absolute horror!)

Please help support PETA for this outrageous treatment of animals.

Disgrace to humanity for treating animals like that, I hope these people who treat animals as such be cursed and their lands submerged in waters!

I donated money to stop this heinous crime against innocent animals.
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While I don't support animal cruelty I can't say I support PETA either.
Their position is basically "humans shouldn't keep animals at all", I don't agree with this posision.

Apparently they are also somewhat two-faced. For example they run an "animal shelter" and then make little attempt to actually re-home the animals and end up euthanising the vast majority of them.
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I stumbled across a report by PETA and saw a few video clips taken by a secret camera by members of the PETA, you could visit their website to support for their good cause in educating various Governments to curb absolute animal cruelty (Please Google PETA)

In India cows are driven to bordering bangladesh and other areas where cows are treated sacred and so cannot be killed but they are taken to other nearby countries and treated so badly all for West's demand for leather. Remember next time you wear leather shoes or before you buy any!

In China 2 million cats and thousands of Dogs are killed mercilessly, some skinned Alive for their furs. I saw a dog still fighting for life after it was skinned from head to tail! (Warning absolute horror!)

Please help support PETA for this outrageous treatment of animals.

Disgrace to humanity for treating animals like that, I hope these people who treat animals as such be cursed and their lands submerged in waters!

I donated money to stop this heinous crime against innocent animals.

I couldn't agree more. I find such things absolutely disgusting, and that's from one of those inhuman atheists. :LOL:

However, I cannot give my support for PETA for one specific reason: I have found that when I sign petitions for this sort of organisation I am bombarded by junk e-mail very quickly afterwards. Now if they could get their act together...
Euthanizing animals that they have rescued may be a lot better option than to have animals suffer needlessly looking for food and scrounging hungrily in people's bins, getting involved in fights, spreading disease, and so on, unless people are willing to offer them money to keep these rescued animals sheltered and fed, what more can they do?

In the least they are highlighting the real crime against animals, how they are being tortured mercilessly, being forced to walk for miles when they no longer have the energy to walk, and when they fall, they are dragged and ropes wound through their nostrils, bleeding, tails being broken in places, dogs being skinned alive, cats being thumped against ground, real and true horror is what must stop even at the expense of euthanizing some animals.

I will indeed support them as long as they stop all animal nonsense in many countries including some so called Western Civilised countries like Spain, where bulls are made to run and tortured and eventually killed , chop their goolies off! ridiculous tradition in modern times.
Euthanizing animals that they have rescued may be a lot better option than to have animals suffer needlessly looking for food and scrounging hungrily in people's bins, getting involved in fights, spreading disease, and so on, unless people are willing to offer them money to keep these rescued animals sheltered and fed, what more can they do?

In the least they are highlighting the real crime against animals, how they are being tortured mercilessly, being forced to walk for miles when they no longer have the energy to walk, and when they fall, they are dragged and ropes wound through their nostrils, bleeding, tails being broken in places, dogs being skinned alive, cats being thumped against ground, real and true horror is what must stop even at the expense of euthanizing some animals.

I will indeed support them as long as they stop all animal nonsense in many countries including some so called Western Civilised countries like Spain, where bulls are made to run and tortured and eventually killed , chop their goolies off! ridiculous tradition in modern times.

As I've said, I do agree strongly with your sentiments. However, some parts of the world are less civilised than us and, unfortunately, being sovereign territories, they are beyond our control.
However, some parts of the world are less civilised than us
Yeah, our dog owners are well civilised innit.

There has been 17 (dog attack) deaths since 2005 and hospital admissions are on the rise also.

Why is it that our burgeoning chavvy population are insisting on keeping these ridiculous vicious dogs? What place has a huge rottweiler or a pit bull, or a mastiff or a bull terrier or a German shepherd got in a family home?

Can someone tell me why anyone would want these hideous creatures around their children? They belong in cages on a farm or guarding 'sensitive' industrial premises.

Civilised my erse!
However, some parts of the world are less civilised than us
Yeah, our dog owners are well civilised innit.

There has been 17 (dog attack) deaths since 2005 and hospital admissions are on the rise also.

Why is it that our burgeoning chavvy population are insisting on keeping these ridiculous vicious dogs? What place has a huge rottweiler or a pit bull, or a mastiff or a bull terrier or a German shepherd got in a family home?

Can someone tell me why anyone would want these hideous creatures around their children? They belong in cages on a farm or guarding 'sensitive' industrial premises.

Civilised my erse!

Agree totally, and the last 3 words as long as you wipe it properly and not allow your mum to do it for you :p

Oh! Not surprised the curse of tortured animals is set on, all those mistreating animals and those who don't stop them, be their land submerged, flooded, and hit with earthquakes, and hurricanes, tsunamis, the curse of the poor animals is on! those men and woman and children of humans who are fleeing the area for safety leaving behind animals, who will suffer no more at the hands thee evil men.
However, some parts of the world are less civilised than us
Yeah, our dog owners are well civilised innit.

There has been 17 (dog attack) deaths since 2005 and hospital admissions are on the rise also.

Why is it that our burgeoning chavvy population are insisting on keeping these ridiculous vicious dogs? What place has a huge rottweiler or a pit bull, or a mastiff or a bull terrier or a German shepherd got in a family home?

Can someone tell me why anyone would want these hideous creatures around their children? They belong in cages on a farm or guarding 'sensitive' industrial premises.

Civilised my erse!

I agree. Macho yobboes keep such dogs to big themselves up.

If I had my way, every (hard working) immigrant to this country should be exchanged for one of our indigenous yobs. It would be funny to see how they get along in east european, south asian and african countries.

They'd probably end up eating their own rottweilers! :LOL:
However, some parts of the world are less civilised than us
Yeah, our dog owners are well civilised innit.

There has been 17 (dog attack) deaths since 2005 and hospital admissions are on the rise also.

Why is it that our burgeoning chavvy population are insisting on keeping these ridiculous vicious dogs? What place has a huge rottweiler or a pit bull, or a mastiff or a bull terrier or a German shepherd got in a family home?

Can someone tell me why anyone would want these hideous creatures around their children? They belong in cages on a farm or guarding 'sensitive' industrial premises.

Civilised my erse!

No such thing as a bad dog, just stupid owners.

I grew up in a house with 5 large dogs, 3 german shepheards, 2 burnese mountain dogs. My cousin has a rottie. None of these dogs would ever be given the chance to harm a person, and I am confident they wouldn't unless self defense anyway. But please don't tar all dogs with the same brush as those that are badly trained and poorly looked after by the dregs of our society. My dad muzzles his dogs if they are ever off the lead, not because he thinks they are a threat, but because he is a responsible dog owner and as such will do everything possible to ENSURE that they can do no harm. they wouldn't hurt a person, but people love their cats a lot more than most dogs do.

I will one day have a dog, (probably a mongrel from a rescue centre) but not yet as we have a 12 month old in the house, this is more because I don't think it would be fair to have a dog that just ends up constantly being climbed on, has it tail pulled, has its ears chewed, or just terrorised by a small child. The fight against animal cruelty has to begin with the small things close to home, until then how can we start to try to tell other nations how to treat animals.
hence the reason why I was against adopting away my cats, since I couldn't guarantee their safety in the hands of other owners, many asked me if they could take one of my kittens, and I said no I can't let them have just one unless they want a pair, as they were used to living in a pride, so i shall not break them apart now. That would be cruel.

This is the price one must pay for their clear conscious.

On another point, I mentioned this earlier that even cats can pause danger to young infants, so I recently got alarmed when I saw a newly born baby 6 weeks old left in a baby cot near one of my rescued cat, I rescued and gave it to a good friend, and though he agrees to look after it, it still is my cat, and he knows that. It was his visitors who came to visit him with their newly born baby and left it on a sofa while they all nipped out in the garden to puff a smoke!
I saw the video of the dogs being skinned alive in China and it affected me for a long time. Anyone who thinks they are 'hard' and think that animal cruelty is some kind of joke, should watch this video, try googling it. But be warned, it's not nice.
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