anyone for a discussion about mm?

imperialist through and through, as a model engineer I prefer imperial
We gave the world the standards of measurement, good enough for engineers long gone, good enough for me, still here.

Do you find imperial measurements easier? I was taught in metric-only so find decimal points easier than natural fractions, but some years ago was involved with some US equipment where all the measurements were in pounds, feet and inches... we generally ended up doing all the design in imperial but converting to metric at the end to allow stress calculations etc.

I did build equipment with Whitworth screw threads back at uni... I could have used metric but the lab technician had a few sets of Whitworth taps and dies, plus the lathe could cut Whitworth so I chose it as a nod to the man himself!
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I'm lucky enough to be able to work in either Imp or metric measurements. I do think the metric system has been forced on us though.
As for Mickey, I hope he finds employment soon, although figures out today, suggest there's at least another 35,000 chasing the few jobs there are out there.
I've had an interview today for a hospital portering job. (well out of my skills range) But how hard can it be wheeling patients, machines,prescriptions, meals,etc from one place to another.
One good thing that came out at the interview is,, I'm already well versed in H&S and have a first aid certificate. The first aid probably doesn't mean anything in a hospital (although doctors, surprisingly, don't actually study first aid much). Still, I hope to hear by the end of the week. ;) ;) ;) ;)
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I've had an interview today for a hospital portering job. (well out of my skills range) But how hard can it be wheeling patients, machines,prescriptions, meals,etc from one place to another.

Pretty hard I imagine, John. Hospital porters have to help patients on to stretchers and beds and often end up sustaining plenty of injuries themselves in the process. It probably has something to do with the fact that the nation’s population is becoming increasingly obese. Good luck to you though, mate. ;)
well last night, i suggested that there was a witch hunt against MM when he/she logs on... and i got every post deleted constantly !

I caught that before it was binned without reason. Very baffling, the first few posts were completely harmless, maybe the mod in question had just come back from the boozer??

Anyway a thumbs up for Micky over here.
I made the mistake of comparing him to a tin of pineapple rings in pineapple juice in my last attack on him. The mods deleted it! :eek:

He might just be a mod himself. Definitely on something, so perfectly plausible.
err no, ;o)

just the people who jump on mm the minute he logs on is over the top, isn't it?

still here after your i am leaving..

now insulting members...

and you have the front to say that the forum is going down hill....

sad i say.... get a real life...
I got an email the other day that said imamartian, is a friend of mine....

But it get's to something when people make a thread about what they think of me?

My username - Micky - is my girlfriends name Michelle. And she is always Moody, as am I. Hence Mickymoody, which reflects the posts I make, taking the Micky, but also Moody.

So yes I am a man.

What I write can not be immediately scanned in a forum format, but needs to be read at a deeper level. A quick scan, leads the fools astray, but reading deeper, a deeper meaning, I'm good at wordplay. Or Horseplay.

Shows how less the IQ of the public becomes.

But requires a thread dedicated to me, in some kind of covert way. If you wanna ask me a question of clarify a post, PM exists! I'll answer anything if you need! Don't post angry at me, just ask, for clarification. I think outside the box, if you disagree, tell me, but not angrily? Anyone can make a point, if you don't agree, don't post, or make a point.
mm are great for describing the length of your manhood as it sounds much better than a few inches although after 300 of them its hard to take in!
mm are great for describing the length of your manhood as it sounds much better than a few inches although after 300 of them its hard to take in!

Is that what your missus tells you?? :LOL:
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