Anyone noticed anything missing?

29 Jul 2011
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United Kingdom
IT Minion,

You asked me if I new how the Pharma industry worked?
Well when any new disease/virus pops up it starts a race between all the major players to be first to the market with a new drug and a big pay day! But what they all agree would be the worst outcome for all of them is that an old drug could be repurposed.... No Hero status / No big pay day! Meanwhile back at the front line Doctors are trying their best with what they have available. Take Ivermectin for example! Why make such a hoo haa about a safe and effective drug that has almost no side effects and has been used for the last 40yrs? Front line Doctors began getting results using Ivermectin as long as it was used in the first 7 days In fact fantastic results. Now whether you believe its effective or not is irrelevant, Its such a safe and widely used drug that there was no reason not to let it run its course as there wasn't any alternative at the time! Its so safe and effective its on the W.H.O. list of essential drugs! So the big players must have been worried and needed it removing from the list of viable alternatives. The way this was achieved was by designing the study to fail, ie giving it to patients to late. which the big pharma companies are now masters at, in the same way they can make a study seen successful. This message has populated the internet and social platforms because the pharma companies have been in complete control for the last 40 yrs and anyone who dares say anything else is soon eliminated.
Dr Fauci On the 28th April 2020 at a press conference in the Whitehouse sitting next to
President Trump Dr Fauci announced That a new drug called Remdesivir has proven to have a 100% efficacy against Covid- 19 and gave it Emergency use Authorisation. And a massive pay day for Gilead. Most people believed this to mean 100% effective against Covid-19 But what it really meant was in the small 12 week study groups
2 people died in the placebo group and 1 person died in the Remdesivir group. So 2 is 100% more than 1 Which is a ridiculous from a scientific perspective, He also unblinded the trials at 12 weeks instead of the intended 6 months so no long term data is available leaving the trial untraceable for any long term side affects ( Standard procedure ) unless you are Antony Fouci.
Unfortunately with these policies America has the largest body count of any country. Which considering it's meant to have one of the biggest and best health care systems in the World, it has fared very badly...
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IT Minion,

You asked me if I new how the Pharma industry worked?
Well when any new disease/virus pops up it starts a race between all the major players to be first to the market with a new drug and a big pay day! But what they all agree would be the worst outcome for all of them is that an old drug could be repurposed.... No Hero status / No big pay day! Meanwhile back at the front line Doctors are trying their best with what they have available. Take Ivermectin for example! Why make such a hoo haa about a safe and effective drug that has almost no side effects and has been used for the last 40yrs? Front line Doctors began getting results using Ivermectin as long as it was used in the first 7 days In fact fantastic results. Now whether you believe its effective or not is irrelevant, Its such a safe and widely used drug that there was no reason not to let it run its course as there wasn't any alternative at the time! Its so safe and effective its on the W.H.O. list of essential drugs! So the big players must have been worried and needed it removing from the list of viable alternatives. The way this was achieved was by designing the study to fail, ie giving it to patients to late. which the big pharma companies are now masters at, in the same way they can make a study seen successful. This message has populated the internet and social platforms because the pharma companies have been in complete control for the last 40 yrs and anyone who dares say anything else is soon eliminated.
Dr Fauci On the 28th April 2020 at a press conference in the Whitehouse sitting next to
President Trump Dr Fauci announced That a new drug called Remdesivir has proven to have a 100% efficacy against Covid- 19 and gave it Emergency use Authorisation. And a massive pay day for Gilead. Most people believed this to mean 100% effective against Covid-19 But what it really meant was in the small 12 week study groups
2 people died in the placebo group and 1 person died in the Remdesivir group. So 2 is 100% more than 1 Which is a ridiculous from a scientific perspective, He also unblinded the trials at 12 weeks instead of the intended 6 months so no long term data is available leaving the trial untraceable for any long term side affects ( Standard procedure ) unless you are Antony Fouci.
Unfortunately with these policies America has the largest body count of any country. Which considering it's meant to have one of the biggest and best health care systems in the World, it has fared very badly...
Every single part of this post is wrong.

Literally every part.
Is that from the book you are reading? Utter nonsense.
Well, not every bit, the US did have awful results from COVID, but that's because a proportion of the US refused to follow preventive measures and refused vaccination.
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For someone so obsessed with communists Andy doesn't like capitalism much.
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