Armley, Leeds

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Could have sworn I'd already seen this one, but, no.

"A Polish man has been seriously injured after he was beaten up by a group of up to 20 teenagers in what polices suspect was a racially-aggravated assault.

The 28-year-old victim and his friend were confronted by the group of males, aged 16 to 18, in a residential street in Armley, Leeds.

The teenagers then pursued the victim and reportedly began kicking and punching him.

He was taken to hospital with a cut to the head that required stitches, but his injuries are not considered life threatening"
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I'm sure no one - no one - is surprised to learn that we have more than our fair share of home-grown despicables.

Are we going to have posted every crime that is perpetrated against a foreign person to counter every crime committed by a foreign person?

Using the referendum result as an excuse to commit these crimes is no different than using my Jesus is better than your Jesus to blow up people. They want to commit these crimes, regardless.

There are nutters everywhere.

Does anyone like ballet with a purpose?
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I've seen that training film of the exercise at the police college before. It seems to have been given a new title for some reason. Propaganda, I suppose. It's been around for years, sometime labelled as German or Japanese or Korean.

I was wondering if we need two propaganda videos and forty posts every day. It looks like DRM has taken a few days off, but no doubt somebody else could do it.

The Brexit campaigns are not an excuse of course. But I wonder if there might be some cause that has triggered the increase in hate crime. I wonder what it could be. It's almost as if there was an anti-foreigner campaign in the newspapers and on posters trying to whip it up.

"The rise in post-Brexit hate crime reports peaked at nearly 60 per cent and is still 14 per cent higher than at the same point last year, new figures show.

The latest figures released by the National Police Chiefs’ Council show that
in the week following the vote to leave the EU the number of incidents rose by 58 per cent. "

It's great to see this serious problem being taken seriously, except by the tw@s.
I was wondering if we need two propaganda videos and forty posts every day. It looks like DRM has taken a few days off, but no doubt somebody else could do it.

Why post them then ?

Maybe some of the attacks are made by Remainers who are trying to discredit the Brexit supporters.

Maybe you are posting the reports to suggest the Brexit supporters are racist thugs.
Why post them then ?

Maybe some of the attacks are made by Remainers who are trying to discredit the Brexit supporters.

Maybe you are posting the reports to suggest the Brexit supporters are racist thugs.
Perhaps he's right and some Brexit supporters are thugs, like some plumbers are abusive/racist.
A tiny minority perhaps of either, but sufficient in number to do serious damage.
The causality probably goes the other way.

AFAICT, a person who is a racist or hates foreigners is attracted by the Brexit propaganda, and the anti-immigrant stance. This does not imply that the 52% are all haters.

Their is certainly a view that the torrent of anti-foreigner abuse in newpapers, web forums and other media has encouraged these people to feel validated and encouraged in their opinions and actions.

I have not seen any anti-foreigners or racists who are opposed to Brexit. Perhaps there is one, somewhere.
I went to university in Leeds: the locals were pretty keen to "welcome" any students they encountered, regardless of creed or colour.
But I wonder if there might be some cause that has triggered the increase in hate crime. I wonder what it could be

Too many foreigners allowed into the country?
Its a sad state of affairs when even the foreigners tell you that. The pro immigration lefties will never tell you when the drawbridge should be pulled up.
Instead they cry racist and ****** at anyone daring to suggest such a radical move.

Why did we have a brexit result?
Could it be something to do with the vast number of foreigners flooding into this country?

If they allow the situation to continue they could have another referendum on eu membership in a few years and the new arrivals might swing it in favour of staying. Something for you too ponder JD and you might sleep better.

But will the ultimate result of that mean less hate crime in the future?
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The causality probably goes the other way.

AFAICT, a person who is a racist or hates foreigners is attracted by the Brexit propaganda, and the anti-immigrant stance. This does not imply that the 52% are all haters.

Their is certainly a view that the torrent of anti-foreigner abuse in newpapers, web forums and other media has encouraged these people to feel validated and encouraged in their opinions and actions.

I have not seen any anti-foreigners or racists who are opposed to Brexit. Perhaps there is one, somewhere.

evidence is now suggesting (?) that there is a more sinister & worrying reason for these "alleged" increases in attacks on foreigners since the Brexit vote
Some in the remain campaign are blaming the foreigners for the Brexit success.

They are stupidly suggesting that many or the majority who voted for Brexit did so due to the immigration policies of the U.K/E.U & if it was not for this than many who voted for Brexit would not have done so ??

And the U.K would there fore not have voted out of the E.U . The extremists in the remain campaign are now blaming or holding many foreigners responsible. hence the increase in these alleged racist attacks .
I hope that John D doesn't blame me for Brexit, I only ran street stalls, canvassed door to door and placed four foot "Vote Leave" signs in prominent locations round my neck of the woods..
Well it would seem that u & I are in part responsible for un-leashing the extremists & bigots in the remain campaign onto society so that they are now directing there hate & bile onto innocent members of the public in particular those who have moved here from abroad.

TBH I find there reaction a total disgrace & there should be no room in society for these extremist views
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