
16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
I often watch YouTube as opposed to mainstream tv. For me it's 10x more enjoyable as the content is extremely varied and there's a lot of decent channels on there.

A few months back I came across folk on there that call themselves 'auditors.' There are lots of different channels including a fair few in the UK. The basic premise seems to be go to various places e.g. factories, industrial sites, police stations (a particular favourite for some of them), shopping centres and to record what's going on.

Although some of their 'audits' seem to pass without issues, many end up in heated debate (you can't film here!) arguments and mayhem. Although they don't admit it, I reckon that's exactly what the channel owner is trying to achieve, because more 'interesting' content will boost their number of followers.

I have mixed feelings about what they're doing. Sure, it's maybe legal (they usually record from public land), however I know if I was going about my day to day job, the last thing I'd want is some random person starting to record me, ask me questions and so on.

Have you seen any of these channels and if yes what's your take on it all?
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I have always assumed auditors were part of a legal organisation and were at the behest of the organisations. I didn't realise people could literally walk in to somewhere and say they have come to do an audit. We certainly wouldn't let anyone into the college off the street. They would first have to make contact with the SLT, (Senior Leadership Team), which consists of the Principal, Deputy Principal, Head of Curriculum and at least the Head of Governors. I think that, as we are not a state funded college but sponsored by patrons, the CEO would also be made aware of any auditing taking place. The organisation would then be verified as a legitimate one which was on the approved 'Contractor' schedule.
As we have at least three different auditors on the schedule covering different aspects of college life, such as; Finance, Health & Safety, Building Compliance etc I fail to see how people can apparently turn up at a premises and say they are carrying one out without sufficient paperwork as proof.

Is this in this country or somewhere like America?
I have always assumed auditors were part of a legal organisation and were at the behest of the organisations. I didn't realise people could literally walk in to somewhere and say they have come to do an audit. We certainly wouldn't let anyone into the college off the street. They would first have to make contact with the SLT, (Senior Leadership Team), which consists of the Principal, Deputy Principal, Head of Curriculum and at least the Head of Governors. I think that, as we are not a state funded college but sponsored by patrons, the CEO would also be made aware of any auditing taking place. The organisation would then be verified as a legitimate one which was on the approved 'Contractor' schedule.
As we have at least three different auditors on the schedule covering different aspects of college life, such as; Finance, Health & Safety, Building Compliance etc I fail to see how people can apparently turn up at a premises and say they are carrying one out without sufficient paperwork as proof.

Is this in this country or somewhere like America?
Apologies I've maybe misled. They're not actually auditors in the professional sense ... far from it. Quite a few of them however have the word auditor in their channel name and might loosely refer to themselves as such.

Example, they'll wander around the exterior of a police station taking a video. Eventually someone from the station will come out to have a word 'what are you doing?!?' essentially and it goes from there. Discussions about what can/can't be filmed, are they or are they not breaking the law.

They maintain they're doing all this in the public interest ... I have my doubts ;)

Yes quite a few in the UK and elsewhere.
There was a time when they were the only things Yootoob threw at me.

It is quite clear that the majority of them are mentally ill.
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There was a time when they were the only things Yootoob threw at me.

It is quite clear that the majority of them are mentally ill.
Yeah much of their tactics leave a lot to be desired. Was watching one earlier and the guy walked right up to an open office window with folk sitting inside working away. I know if that was me and some random appeared at the window (no doubt with face partially covered) camera in hand I'd be none too happy.
Yeah much of their tactics leave a lot to be desired.

I don't understand who they think their audience is. Some are quite informative, most are just chasing 'clicks' & their audience is possibly equally as mentally ill as they are.

One video that did capture me though, was an actual mentally ill person using the format to point out just how impossible it is for him to get treatment. Really thought provoking that one, confirmed my belief that most of what we think of reality is just a sham.

I'm becoming a bit of a Yootoob bore amongst my mates, constantly pointing them to some VERY interesting stuff when all they want to watch is tight crotches on Strictly . . . .

This one floated my boat when I came across it. 1hr of anyones favourite actors in an off duty moment telling all of us the truth behind the reality & showing us what a nice guy he really is.

I have always assumed auditors were part of a legal organisation and were at the behest of the organisations.

they usually are, but if someone rocks up at your front door and says they've come to do an audit, you should put them in a waiting area while you call the person they say they have come to see (or the location manager otherwise). You can't let any odd Joe come in and start going through the books, or opening up the safe to count the money. A genuine person will be quite capable of escalating within your company if he is wrongly refused access.

in many cases they will turn up without an appointment, for example to check the cash and stock, before anyone who has misappropriated it has time to replenish it.

your management will not want you talking to them freely, in case you inadvertently tell them the truth.
they usually are, but if someone rocks up at your front door and says they've come to do an audit, you should put them in a waiting area while you call the person they say they have come to see (or the location manager otherwise).

Yet again you have failed to grasp the 'gist' of what this thread is actually about.

We're on about Yootoob auditors comrade JohnD'ski, not the forensic accountants you apparently fantasise about bursting into your workplace & proving to the world that you are really a criminal mastermind masquerading as a dull clerk, dressed in gray & passed over for promotion at every window of opportunity.
they usually are, but if someone rocks up at your front door and says they've come to do an audit, you should put them in a waiting area while you call the person they say they have come to see........

The furthest they would get would be the front desk at reception. IF, and I mean, IF they had a contact name they would be asked for their personal details, (name, company, company address, (Head Office as well as their branch they work from), vehicle registration number and make including colour. They would then be asked to stand in front of a small screen and enter their company email address and be advised that whilst doing so their photograph would be taken so look at the plus, (+), sign on the wall. Whilst they were doing this another receptionist would be doing a data check if they were already on the system. By the time the first receptionist had 'processed' the visitor the second one would have been independently checking his credentials. i.e. the company existed, the phone number and company email address was correct and, if possible, verified he was a bona-fide employee and did have an appointment in the company records. If they tried to jump the speed gates anyone in reception simply pushed an alert button. This would send an immediate alert to the outside security company and the local police alerting them we had gone into full lock down because of an intruder and immediate response was required.
There are other measures which would happen inside the building which, for obvious reasons I will not/cannot disclose but I can assure you, if they did get in they don't stand much chance of getting back out on their own and would not be able to get much further than the entrance area before finding themselves trapped.
It is quite clear that the majority of them are mentally ill.
Out looking to cause trouble.
Not at all.

Their purpose is to carry out a perfectly lawful activity and see who tries to step in their way and the lengths they go to to try and stop them. Even the police don't know the law half the time. They show themselves up horribly sometimes.
Hilariously, you'll find people advancing towards the camera shouting "Don't film me!" or "Don't stick that camera in my face!" or even funnier "You don't have my permission to film me!"
These people seem to conveniently forget that there are thousands of CCTV cams in the country, following many millions of people every day.

The very laws that allow them to film what they can see from a public place allow humans to as well.

The Police often make themselves look right idiots, trying to cite terrorism and privacy as reasons why stations and vehicles should not be filmed. As far as I know, many of the cases of arrest have been challenged in a court of law as false arrest and compensation sought and received. There are at least two official letters from high up in the Police, setting out that the public are allowed to film and should not be stopped: one day, you may be grateful for the footage they have captured which will aid you in solving a crime.

These auditors are neither mad nor stupid. They are trying to get filming in public to be accepted for what it is: a lawful activity that should not be viewed with suspicion almost as if the person were not brandishing a camera but a weapon.


Although old, it is still current.
A man once knocked on my door and said he was conducting a survey and needed to see my bottom. I showed him my bottom and off he went. It was only later I realised that he wasn't doing a survey - he just wanted to see my bottom. Now I feel really stupid!
Not at all.

Their purpose is to carry out a perfectly lawful activity and see who tries to step in their way and the lengths they go to to try and stop them. Even the police don't know the law half the time. They show themselves up horribly sometimes.
Hilariously, you'll find people advancing towards the camera shouting "Don't film me!" or "Don't stick that camera in my face!" or even funnier "You don't have my permission to film me!"
These people seem to conveniently forget that there are thousands of CCTV cams in the country, following many millions of people every day.

The very laws that allow them to film what they can see from a public place allow humans to as well.

The Police often make themselves look right idiots, trying to cite terrorism and privacy as reasons why stations and vehicles should not be filmed. As far as I know, many of the cases of arrest have been challenged in a court of law as false arrest and compensation sought and received. There are at least two official letters from high up in the Police, setting out that the public are allowed to film and should not be stopped: one day, you may be grateful for the footage they have captured which will aid you in solving a crime.

These auditors are neither mad nor stupid. They are trying to get filming in public to be accepted for what it is: a lawful activity that should not be viewed with suspicion almost as if the person were not brandishing a camera but a weapon.
I’m sure parents of young children will be thrilled these ‘auditors’ are well within their rights to film around schools, nurseries and playgrounds.
Have they done that?

I have never seen an auditor do that.

But think about this: would you question a CCTV camera picking up such footage?
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