BBC Top Gear won't return

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
That's about it really. Being reported Top Gear won't return. Production staff advised to seek other jobs. No doubt the Freddie Flintoff crash was the final nail in the proverbial coffin.
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Shame. I liked it much better with McGuinness, Flintoff and Harris than I did with Clarkson, May and Hammond. They did get Flintoff doing some dangerous stunts though - what about the car drop off the top of the dam. :eek:
Yeah, it lost the spark after 'the Clarkson incident'. All they ever did in the revamped version was recreate the stunts and try to keep the magic years after the divorce. So many great moments it's hard to pick a favourite but the time they tried to kill the Toyota pick-up was in the top five.

Stewart Lee has an amusing take on it:

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I still miss original Top Gear.
Eight o'clock Thursday evenings - it was the only time I was allowed to stay up past my bedtime! :)
Yeah, it lost the spark after 'the Clarkson incident'. All they ever did in the revamped version was recreate the stunts and try to keep the magic years after the divorce. So many great moments it's hard to pick a favourite but the time they tried to kill the Toyota pick-up was in the top five.

Stewart Lee has an amusing take on it:

That really was very funny, I Like old Stewart Lee, even when he's dissing Brexit.

I think part of the challenge is the 24/7 availability of online content about vehicles of all sorts. Much better stuff to watch on there as opposed to sitting down once a week to watch three guys driving overly expensive cars around a track or through whatever country.

I loved TG back in the day when telly dominated such content but for me it needs retired, the time is right.
It should come back as an informative motoring "magazine" and not some excuse for egotistical types to have a jolly at our expense. I don't recall Angela Ripon tearing it up and doing donuts .
Thing is, whilst appreciating some folk don't watch online content, there are literally 100s of online channels that offer informative content, many of them on a par with anything traditional telly can produce. More to the point, you can find stuff about vehicles that are of specific interest to you.
The rainbows will be toasting champers tonight, perhaps they'll bring out a black version.
It's important to destroy all of the culture of the British people, it helps with the emptying and filing that is happening.
But then again Nature has a strange laws, something like fight or die ... can't quite remember, but she is very serious about it apparently.
Harry's Garage not bad ?
Is Grand Tour still going, I thought it stopped mid season?
A TV programme about three old men behaving like schoolboys.

Last of the Summer Gear?
A TV programme about three old men behaving like schoolboys.

Last of the Summer Gear?
I like that - the road trips had a narrative that could've been written by Jerome K. Jerome: three friends having high adventures and the time of their lives travelling the open road. Incidents and accidents; pranks, japes and weapons grade f*ckwittery made them a bank holiday staple for years to come.
It's inspired rip-off shows around the world, like 'The Most Dangerous Roads i the World' and there's a Top Gear in most countries now. Not many tv presenters can walk into a bar in Vietnam and get recognised, but the road trip they did there was properly epic. I've no idea how long Clarkson actually practiced riding his vespa but it looked damned dangerous to me, watching him wobble through torrential rain on a steep road to god knew where.
I'd still much rather watch one of those repeats than the new series with the cricketer, that bloke from Bolton and the other guy. The series with Chris Evans, Joey from Friends and the other guy are best forgotten altogether.
RIP Top Gear: in your time you made a show about cars unmissable entertainment, but like all good times, it had to end sometime. Now's as good a time as any.
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