Bonding safety flooring to chipboard sheeting

30 Nov 2015
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United Kingdom

I want to use Polysafe Wood fx safety flooring in my shower room which I have been refinishing.

The sub floor is original tongue and groove strip flooring secret nailed. Staves are 3" wide. To ensure this floor is fixed firmly I have used Spax flooring screws straight through into the flooring joists across entire floor.

Because plywood does not interlock with neighbouring boards when overlaying the constructional floor because it is obviously straight cut I didn't want to use it.

I have over sheeted the original constructional floor with common 2400 x 600 T AND G 18mm moisture resistant flooring sheets glued and screwed on 150mm centres.

My local Polyflor retailer doesn't want to bond directly to the flooring sheets. They have suggested a 1mm cement based skim before bonding.

I am not convinced that introducing a thin 1mm layer is a good idea and worry it might cause more problems than it solves with delamination?

Please advise if there are any issues bonding directly to the flooring sheets and if not can you recommend a specific adhesive or any priming process you would carryout when installing.

Much appreciated
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Thats exactly what I didn't want to use for fear of seeing the joint lines between the plywood showing through the safety flooring.

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You fit the joints tight then use feather finish screed on the joints. Never show through then mate.

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