Bora TDI sluggish starter

That's what the MOT garage told me but how can it be measured as a % ?
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What's the easiest way to empty 1/2 tank of diesel from a 99 reg Bora TDI without stabbing a hole in it ?

We're going to salvage for spares what we think practical before it goes to the breakers.

The Battery is only a year old and the alternator was replaced just a matter of weeks ago.
Syphon it out through the filler? Disconnect a fuel line under the car?
I will try although I thought cars had anti-syphon filler spouts.

Piped will be on top of the tank and one long run to the filter assembly.

I wonder of I can remove the filler spout from the tank?
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Try disconnecting the pipe from the tank where it fixes to the fuel filter, and turning the ignition on......container at the ready!
John :)