Brexit blow...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"The first major free trade agreement signed by Britain after Brexit has been branded a failure after new figures showed exports had fallen since it came into force."

Linky Linky

"The Office for Budget Responsibility report published this month assumes UK trading intensity will be 15% lower in the long run."

It says: “The latest evidence suggests that Brexit has had a significant adverse impact on UK trade.”

Any brexiteers care to comment on an official OBR report?
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"The first major free trade agreement signed by Britain after Brexit has been branded a failure after new figures showed exports had fallen since it came into force."

Linky Linky

"The Office for Budget Responsibility report published this month assumes UK trading intensity will be 15% lower in the long run."

It says: “The latest evidence suggests that Brexit has had a significant adverse impact on UK trade.”

Any brexiteers care to comment on an official OBR report?
It was Covid, and the war in Ukraine, and inflation, and the landslide in Italy, and hurricane in the Caribbean, and the election in Venezuela, and the Liz Truss budget, and the immigrants, and it's been the same all over, and the EU is going to implode.
Nothing to do with Brexit. Oh and your (sic) trolling.
And there (sic) all fruitcakes. :ROFLMAO:
Oh dear. A drop in sales during a world recession? Whoda thunk?
You forgot to mention Covid, and the war, and the Caribbean hurricane, and the Venezuela election, and the immigrants, and the Italian landslide, and the Liz Truss effect, and the EU is going to implode. :)
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Oh dear. A drop in sales during a world recession? Whoda thunk?
Which is exactly why their exports to us rose over the same time.

This isn't a smoking gun that proves Brexit was a terrible financial decision, just yet another data point.
On the Laura Marr prog just now the minister was blaming rusha for it all, lol

It's not bad link really. It shows exports and imports from Japan. Exports relatively steady and a covid drop both in and out that might be expected or a Brexit effect or some of both.

The UK did have worse performance due to covid. % GDP drop higher and longer to get back to pre covid levels. Interesting the NI beat the mainland apart from London despite the NI protocol.

Ukraine aspects are looking similar. We are effectively in recession. Germany is also expected to be next year. Might be sooner.They have a stronger economy so it takes longer. France has a lesser electricity problem. The EU as a market is a lot larger than ours. It shows an overall surplus in trade so fiscal etc reactions to problems may differ. Seems it's not much fun in E European countries at the moment but I have no idea of economic effects. They are low average wage areas.

Brexit has definitely messed up personal imports from the EU. Good for retailers maybe who tend to not pay their workers very much
In 2021, there were approximately five million people employed by businesses in the retail sector in the United Kingdom, with 2.5 million people employed in businesses that employed 500 or more people.
IMHO changes in this area relate to the gov getting it's vat but the fact that goods come through export to import channels costs are bound to increase. Above a certain price stuff can be imported. I tried that on an item no one has in the UK. Price was stupid as the seller paid the carrier to handle paperwork. LOL A Brexit gain.

Sunak's lot - looks like the ERG is still in control. Rejoin - forthcoming debt levels probably mean that we couldn't afford to. The link has some interesting comments about ditching rules etc. Another kamikaze type move maybe especially if some just get thrown away as suggested via a time limit. Our own boarder checks. Delayed as they would increase costs. Seems that is less important. Our own food standards? Hard to say what that may do. I suspect it's to get GM in LOL and people worry about the jab. I suspect it will be the gene snipping type not the other but who knows?

~8.1m people work part time in the uk out of ~32.7m. Youth unemployment is near 10%

Those that wanted out. I'd have more respect for those that admit it's had detrimental effects. Reduce immigration - doubtful unless companies start training people and that could take years. It's something they do not want to do. It increases their costs.
In the words of Victor Meldrew " I don't believe it" lol
Look forward to the UK and many other places changing the rules about that.

Stupidest anti eu post I have ever seen.
In the words of Victor Meldrew " I don't believe it" lol

Brexit has unleashed way more corruption than the EU has ever done.

it was the purpose of brexit.

What's wrong with not going along with all the global warming bol*ox.
Anyway let's see how many more 'freedoms' we have sacrificed in the name of saving the planet in eight years time.
What's wrong with not going along with all the global warming bol*ox.
Anyway let's see how many more 'freedoms' we have sacrificed in the name of saving the planet in eight years time.
Would you like to preserve the freedom to carry on destroying our only home by any chance?
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