Brexit deal is done!

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15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Yup, Theresa May has negotiated the best deal in history

Will it be a fudge........

Will it get voted through.......

Will there be a general election......
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Yup, Theresa May has negotiated the best deal in history

Will it be a fudge.......


Will it get voted through.......


Will there be a general election......


Just my guesses.
TM is, at this moment discussing the draft with member of her cabinet individually.
Irish politicians were told about the deal before Westminster MPs were told.
Rees Mogg says white flags have gone up around Downing street.
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Irish politicians were told about the deal before Westminster MPs were told.
Rees Mogg says white flags have gone up around Downing street.

i tend to ignore what mogg says as his greatest contribution for a while was " cheaper shoes and food for the poor" with condescending platitudes like that he well out off touch with reality
My guess is that:

TM cabinet will support 'the deal'

Parliament wont vote the deal through though

Labour will call for a vote of no confidence.

New Tory leader?

Extend article 50?

2nd referendum?
My guess is that:

TM cabinet will support 'the deal'

Parliament wont vote the deal through though

Labour will call for a vote of no confidence.

New Tory leader?

Extend article 50?

2nd referendum?
There will be much 'hand wringing' done in parliament, but politicians being politicians there will be 'different arrangements' put in place to keep them happy...

So a 'deal' will probably get through, albeit amended...

Both brexshiteers and remainers will be unhappy, and the UK will be hopelessly divided indefinitely!

Austerity will continue/deepen, and millions of lives disrupted for nothing.

As for a 2nd referendum?

Will that be an in/out one or will the next Scottish independence vote come first?
This is just the framework of how it will work, while we work out how it will work. It seemed a bit expensive - I really don't think anyone else could have done a better job. Certainly not labour, Bojo, mogg etc. TM will be screwed either way. I can't see too many MPs voting against given it basically means screwing the economy in the short term.
From a Tweet

The pro-Brexit ERG are now desperate for Parliament to take control of Brexit policy and to defeat the government.

Yet, back in 2016 they clapped and cheered at "Enemies of the People" headlines when the courts held that Parliament should have the final say, not the executive.
This is just the framework of how it will work, while we work out how it will work. It seemed a bit expensive - I really don't think anyone else could have done a better job. Certainly not labour, Bojo, mogg etc. TM will be screwed either way. I can't see too many MPs voting against given it basically means screwing the economy in the short term.

Staying in the EU is better than a bad deal which is better than a No deal.

Brexiteers are loyal only to their emotions.
TM is, at this moment discussing the draft with members of her cabinet individually.
Taken from another forum....

May wants to sell her "plan" to MPs one at a time so she can tailor the fudge to suit.
"This will allow us to (delete as appropriate)
a) crack down on
b) freely allow
c) adopt a flexible response to
(please select from the following issues)
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