Builder burning waste in back garden regularly over 2 months!

Contact your local MP, a letter from him/her will get it sorted within 1 week.

I have gone via this avenue before and couldn't believe how quickly things got sorted out.

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Launch a car tyre in there when he's not looking, to generate the requisite black smoke the council are demanding?
If you were in the situation where you thought the fire and smoke deemed an immediate risk to traffic and pedestrians visibility at that current time I would call the fire brigade. As I also would if the fire seemed out of control or dangerous. Other than that I would let the emergency services deal with real life risk emergencies at that time, keep your windows closed and contact the council along with environmental health and also perhaps take when the fire is in action. Sounds like they are trying to save money by burning matter not thinking of poor old ozone! Not good! (Sorry if I have repeated what someone else's has already answered)

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