weve recently took on a property, around 6 weeks ago the garden wall just collapsed! on looking at the wall the cement was crumbling alot ! from that we did our homework and got in touch with the old owners, the wall was only 18 months old!
the wall is built down a hill and on a slight bend, the builder used no wall ties ... the old wall had collapsed before that , the builder blamed a bad mix for it s collapse and built a brand new wall , bare in mind he didnt build the one before that.
we got in touch with the builder who seemed shocked what had happened and insisted on helping, the insurance chucked it straight out as bad workman ship..
i then got two reports done off local builders who said there should have been wall ties to support the wall and that the cement was crumbling heavily so the mix was questioned..
5 weeks on and the builder hasnt done anything! we started to get a little angry so started persuing the builder ... he said he was going to get a proper analysis done which was at his own cost.....
hes APPARENTLY got his report done and he said it was a sulfate attack?
i asked him for a copy of the report and he said if i want it i should pay for the report like he has? surely he can photo copy it ? if it was me id be making lots of copys to protest my innocence if id done nothing wrong!
can sulfate salt attack kill a wall in such a short space of time?
weve recently took on a property, around 6 weeks ago the garden wall just collapsed! on looking at the wall the cement was crumbling alot ! from that we did our homework and got in touch with the old owners, the wall was only 18 months old!
the wall is built down a hill and on a slight bend, the builder used no wall ties ... the old wall had collapsed before that , the builder blamed a bad mix for it s collapse and built a brand new wall , bare in mind he didnt build the one before that.
we got in touch with the builder who seemed shocked what had happened and insisted on helping, the insurance chucked it straight out as bad workman ship..
i then got two reports done off local builders who said there should have been wall ties to support the wall and that the cement was crumbling heavily so the mix was questioned..
5 weeks on and the builder hasnt done anything! we started to get a little angry so started persuing the builder ... he said he was going to get a proper analysis done which was at his own cost.....
hes APPARENTLY got his report done and he said it was a sulfate attack?
i asked him for a copy of the report and he said if i want it i should pay for the report like he has? surely he can photo copy it ? if it was me id be making lots of copys to protest my innocence if id done nothing wrong!
can sulfate salt attack kill a wall in such a short space of time?