I'm wanting to put in a small beer garden to my pub. The proposed area is currently laid with 600x600x50mm concrete paving slabs on sand and a rock base.
I'd like to build a small 600mm high concrete block wall on top of the paving slabs (with no foundations) to support a timber frame and timber decking for the beer garden which will be 13m x 4m
Is this being unrealistic? I realise that too much weight on the paving slabs and they'll crack. Hoping to avoid foundations as the cost may be too great. If not could I just build up to the required height using just a timber frame on the paving?
Thanks for your replies.
I'd like to build a small 600mm high concrete block wall on top of the paving slabs (with no foundations) to support a timber frame and timber decking for the beer garden which will be 13m x 4m
Is this being unrealistic? I realise that too much weight on the paving slabs and they'll crack. Hoping to avoid foundations as the cost may be too great. If not could I just build up to the required height using just a timber frame on the paving?
Thanks for your replies.